Home » New Omicron variant manifesting strange red spots on the body 😷 Cerberus scares scientists clarify

New Omicron variant manifesting strange red spots on the body 😷 Cerberus scares scientists clarify

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New Omicron variant manifesting strange red spots on the body 😷 Cerberus scares scientists clarify

Some people are experiencing strange red spots on the body: could it be due to the new Covid variant? I study.

The Sars-Cov-2 virus is still giving us many problems. The infections are rising, but not only. The variants they have the course and symptoms also changed of the disease.


Unfortunately the first colds have arrived and with them also the reappearance of the seasonal flu. In addition, this year we have yet another Covid wave and also some worrying news.

They call it “soup of variants” and although the name seems to recall something invigorating, it actually hides some pitfalls. We know that luckily the original disease no longer exists, but the variants of Covid continue to sprout like mushrooms, eluding the immune system.

Vaccinated or not, people get sick, and show more or less serious symptoms: but this time also very unusual.

It seems that the blame must be attributed to Cerberus, the “daughter of Omicron” variant, which is worrying experts. First of all because, like Covid itself, gives flu-like symptoms and therefore it is difficult to understand whether we are sick from this virus or from the municipality seasonal ailment.

Once we have established that it is Covid, however, perhaps after having swabbed, we may be surprised by how the disease manifests itself. Here because.

Those strange red spots on the body, is it Cerberus’ fault? What scientists have discovered

We knew, as it emerged last October, that the variants BQ.1 e BQ.1.1 would probably have become predominant in Europe and the world. The BQ is there Covid variant dubbed Cerberusand experts fear it will give us several problems.

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At the moment, in fact, according to some testimonies this variant gives very strange symptoms. They have been reported several manifestations that go beyond from what we had learned to know. In addition to fever, breathing problems and weakness, many people are reporting particular health discomforts.

Such as the appearance of strange bruises and red spots on the bodyor skin rashes, infections in the oral cavity as the stomatitis oh lilies of the valleyand even chilblains and swollen feet.

always strangely, these symptoms are also characteristic of immunocompromised peoplethat is, that they have – for various reasons – the weakest immune defenses.

Indeed some viruses and fungi strike (repeatedly) precisely those with a weakened defense mechanism. Something that does not happen to a healthy organism, which manages to evade external attacks for the most part. Could it be Cerberus that lowers the immune system? Scientists are trying to better understand the mechanisms of the virus, or rather, how it works through variants.

At the moment, what is clear is that “in the midst of chaos, patterns are emerging. The swarm – of numerous variants ed – helped scientists identify one handful of immunity-evading mutations that fuel the spread of a variant. Globally, a few heavyweight variants have emerged, yielding different results in different regions, at least so far.”.

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These considerations, along with some predictions about the diffusion of new variants, published in the journal Nature. So it seems that we will have to expect further variants, and along with them who knows what other symptoms.

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