Home » Not only oranges to defend us from the arrival of winter but also these food supplements would seem perfect for increasing the immune system

Not only oranges to defend us from the arrival of winter but also these food supplements would seem perfect for increasing the immune system

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Plunging temperatures, snow at low altitudes, darkness already in the middle of the afternoon: winter has arrived. A fascinating season for contrasting colors, holidays that bring families together but which, unfortunately, increase the possibility of illness. Constantly switching from hot to cold environments weakens our body and makes us more vulnerable to agents that cause fever and cough.

Our task, like every year, is to strengthen ourselves with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Not only oranges to defend us from the arrival of winter, but also these food supplements would seem perfect for increasing the immune system.

Our doctor or trusted pharmacist will be able to advise us on the best products to increase the immune system, strengthen the hair or reduce fatigue.

Be careful, because by themselves they are useless

Before going deeper, one really important thing needs to be clarified. Food supplements, from their name, are used to integrate the good we do in our day.

These become useless if they are not supported by a correct diet and a healthy and regular physical activity. For this reason, seasonal fruit and vegetables should not be missing at the table and, even if the weather is adverse, it is advisable to go for a healthy run.

Furthermore, we must emphasize that, as stated in a study published in the journal “Annals of Internal Medicine” and reported by the Veronesi Foundation, supplements often give benefits that are mostly psychological rather than real. This is because people who independently decide to hire them have a more positive attitude towards using them and consequently feel better. Therefore, it should be noted that their effectiveness is not scientifically proven and above all, as mentioned above, without a correct lifestyle they are useless.

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There are stages in life in which, however, nutrition alone is not enough. This is the case with folic acid deficiency in pregnancy or vitamin B12 supplements for vegans. Not only that, supplementing vitamin C after a strong flu or to strengthen bone health in the elderly can be helpful. While, for newborns, the integration of vitamin D is essential, even starting it directly from pregnancy.

Not only oranges to defend us from the arrival of winter, but also these food supplements would seem perfect for increasing the immune system

The cold season, as mentioned, not only puts us in front of a high risk of contracting flu but also numerous other problems. These, for example, can be loss of skin tone, damaged nails and hair, and ever-increasing stress and fatigue.

The goal of taking vitamin supplements, which interests the majority, is to increase our immune defenses. By now many know that vitamin C, zinc and echinacea are among the main allies to support the functionality of our immune system.

The change of season, cold and bad weather are all factors that stress our hair and our skin, characterized respectively by weakness and dryness. In this case there are supplements that, taken, help both problems. They contain, among other substances, hyaluronic acid for the health of the epidermis and vitamin B7 which helps both our hair and our nails.

Finally, especially to those who have an advanced age, the cold weakens and takes away the energy; for this reason, integrating magnesium, carnitine and theanine during the day will increase the energy of older people.

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However, it is recommended to be very careful and always contact a doctor or specialist who will assess the state of health and decide on a possible supplementation of vitamins.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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