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Partridge eye: how to cure it, natural remedies

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Partridge eye: how to cure it, natural remedies

Partridge eye is an inflammatory condition affecting the skin under the feet. Common causes include excessive pressure, friction, and shoe wear.

Symptoms include swelling, pain, redness and formation of one ball under the skin. To treat this ailment there are natural remedies such as maintaining good hygiene, using pads to reduce pressure and applying herbal ointments such as orlio di eucalyptus or tea tree oil. But let’s go into the details and find out what the causes and remedies are.

What is partridge eye

Partridge eye is a condition that affects the skin under your feet. This inflammation occurs due to excessive pressure placed on the foot and friction on the skin, usually caused by inappropriate footwear give it afoot posture abnormality.

The most common manifestation of partridge eye on the foot is one painful, red, swollen lump under the skin some may confuse them with calluses on the feet, but the two conditions are very different.

If left untreated, in fact, the partridge eye can get so bad to cause real difficulty walking. That is why it is advisable to pay close attention to the use of suitable footwear and performing specific exercises to keep your feet healthy.

Causes of partridge eye

The causes of the partridge eye on the foot are many, among them we find:

  1. Inappropriate footwear to the foot and its health: shoes that are too tight or too loose. Shoes with stiff or inflexible soles can cause excessive friction;
  2. postural abnormalities: An arch of the foot that goes inward, for example, can cause excessive pressure on the skin underfoot;
  3. Too intense physical activity: walking, running or jumping for a long time can cause excessive pressure;
  4. Excessive dryness of the skin of the feet: Dry skin may be more susceptible to lesions and the formation of partridge eyes.
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By being aware of these causes, we can prevent partridge eyes from forming and keep our feet healthy.

Partridge eye: symptoms, remedies and treatments

Here is a list of the most common symptoms of partridge eye:

  • Painful lump under the skin;
  • Swelling in the affected part;
  • Redness;
  • Pain when walking, wearing shoes, or standing for too long
  • Cracked or dry skin in the affected area;
  • Formation of blisters or ulcers, very painful.

If you notice these symptoms, it is important to consult a podiatrist for proper treatment and prevent further complications.

Some remedies to not worsen the condition are as follows:

  • Stop using the shoes that caused the trouble;
  • Avoid wearing tight shoes;
  • use specific creams (including antibiotics) under the advice of the podiatrist, to soften the skin of the toes;
  • Insert rubber disks between the fingers to avoid further compression.

The partridge eye can easily run into ainfection, so it is essential to keep the skin of the affected area very clean. You can wash yourself with antibacterial soap and then you need to be careful to dry your skin well.

There are also surgical methods to treat partridge eye. Your doctor may drill a little engraving in the part affected by the problem, which is then sewn up with stitches.

In the case of a partridge eye between the fourth and fifth toes, it may help scrape the phalanx bone to create more space between the fingers.

If the disorder is not excessively severe and painful, the following natural remedies may also help:

  • Make foot baths with hot water, unrefined salt or bicarbonate. Leave your feet to soak for at least half an hour, in order to soften the area affected by the problem well. At the end of the footbath you can act with a lime and stop when you feel pain;
  • Rub a lemon wedge on the affected area. Lemon, with its many beneficial properties, also has antibacterial effects;
  • Use aloe vera gel which has refreshing and emollient properties. It should be applied gently several times a day to the skin, until it is completely absorbed;
  • Make wraps of calendula mother tincturewhich act positively especially if the skin is hard, red and the formation causes a sensation of pain;
  • Another natural remedy isgarlic. Just take a clove and apply it on the partridge eye: it will have a positive effect because it is a real natural anti-inflammatory.
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