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Pd, today the 2023 primaries. Letta: “Proud of this community”

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Pd, today the 2023 primaries. Letta: “Proud of this community”

Almost 600 thousand people. It is the number of voters who at 13 went to the gazebos of the Pd primaries to choose the new secretary. To provide the first data on the turnout is the party, which hopes by tonight at 8 pm (closing time of gazebos throughout Italy) to reach the million people who have chosen to participate in the dem primaries to choose whether to lead the Nazarene will be Stefano Bonaccini o Elly Schlein. Commenting on the lines at the gazebos, the outgoing secretary Enrico Letta on Twitter he spoke of “a large turnout and a hymn to democracy. At stake in the primaries are the political line and the alliances of a party which, after nearly ten uninterrupted years in government, seems to have lost both. A line more reformist, that of Bonaccini, the incarnation of a non-prejudicial opposition and above all open to collaboration with the centrists of Renzi and Calenda, to which Schlein opposes a more radical line, very hard against the premier Melons and intransigent towards the right-wing majority, sided with the M5S of Conte.

Pd: “In Emilia Romagna at 13 to vote over 73 thousand people”

From the Democratic Party they let it be known that in Emilia-Romagna, at 1 pm, 73,384 voters voted in the 683 polling stations set up for the Democratic Party primaries. In 2019 there were around 80,000, but at 12.
The total of the previous primaries in E-R was 185 thousand voters (over one and a half million in Italy) it is therefore probable to hypothesize that the final turnout will be lower than in 2019.

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De Micheli: “I voted, but my thoughts on the Crotone tragedy”

“Today I voted for the future of Pdbut my thoughts are with the victims of the Crotone tragedy”. The candidate for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, Paola De Micheli, writes it on Twitter.

Pd: good turnout in Rome. At 1 pm, almost 27,000 people voted

From the Democratic Party they let it be known that at 1 pm in the 154 polling stations in Rome 27,642 voters voted. The forecast is to reach 50,000 participants in the primaries.

Pd: “First primary data between 21.45 and 22”

”Around 21.45 and 22 we will be able to give the first data”. Thus Silvia Roggiani, president of the Pd congress commission on Rai3.

Pd: “At 1 pm, almost 600,000 people voted”

The data tells us that at 1 pm 598,121 voters voted in the Pd primaries. This was announced by Silvia Roggiani, a Half an hour more. “It’s very important,” she added.

Pd: “In Puglia at 1 pm more than 37 thousand people voted”

In Puglia, at 1 pm, 37,704 members and supporters voted to elect the new secretary of the Democratic Party: the province of Bari has the highest turnout with 11,693 voters, followed by Lecce with 10,502, Foggia with 4,755, Taranto 5,045, Barletta 3,653 , Brindisi 2.056. “It is a turnout that we did not expect – commented the regional secretary of the Pd Domenico De Santis – We can already rejoice in this large popular participation, a sign that the Pd is not only alive and well, but still manages to involve in a process of democratic participation tens of thousands of people in Puglia alone”.

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Pd: “In Tuscany, 35,000 people voted at 12”

According to the data received by the Pd from the 13 territorial coordinations of Tuscany, the turnout in today’s party primaries in the 698 polling stations in the region at 12 is around 35,000 voters. Voting ends at 20. for the national and regional secretary.

Decaro: “A beautiful day for participation with the primaries”

“I think this will still be a good day for participation. I would like to remind everyone that we are the only party to involve the whole country in the choice of its own leadership groups. Precisely because we believe that a party called Democrat must never be afraid of participation of citizens to their own choices”. Thus the mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro, after having voted in the primaries of the Democratic Party. “Starting tomorrow – he added – I hope there will be a new secretary who will start a new political season for the center left of the country. As you all know, I voted for and supported Stefano Bonaccini from the very first hours. An old tie binds me to him friendship and we have the same vision of politics that takes concrete actions to change people’s living conditions”.

Letta: “Proud of a community that decides its own future with democracy and participation”

“Good! Queues everywhere at our gazebos. Thanks to the thousands of volunteers who are making possible an extraordinary day of democracy and participation with the PrimariePD”. The outgoing secretary of the Pd Enrico wrote on twitter Read which defines the popular consultation as “a great hymn to democracy and participation”.

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Even Achille Occhetto in line at the polling station

The last secretary of the PCI, Achille Occhetto, is also voting in Piazza Farnese

Schlein: “We hope for a nice participation party”

Also Elly Schlein she went to vote in her polling station a Bologna, trusting in “a nice participation party”. You then intervened on the massacre of migrants in Crotone. “It is unacceptable that the Mediterranean has become a large open-air cemetery”. For the dem deputy “a major humanitarian search and rescue mission at sea is needed. A European Mare Nostrum. Where the coast guard or NGOs do not arrive, unfortunately we are witnessing tragedies like today’s in Croton which are unacceptable. We have to keep fighting so that it doesn’t happen again.”

Pd primaries, Elly Schlein votes in the polling station in via Mentana in Bologna

Bonaccini votes for Campogalliano

The president of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccinicandidate for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, voted in the morning at the party club in his country, Campogalliano, near Modena.
In the evening, Bonaccini will await the results at the headquarters of the Casa dei Popoli in Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), the same choice made on the occasion of the regional ones in January 2020.

Queues in big cities, a little less in small towns

The first photographs of the polling stations begin to arrive from the headquarters of the Nazarene: queues especially in the big cities, a lower participation instead in the smaller municipalities

Prodi at the polls: “Impressed by the turnout”

“I am impressed by the large turnout this morning in the face of the skepticism that seemed to accompany these primaries”. Romano Prodi said it after voting in Bologna. In the polling station where the former premier arrived, the Baraccano in the center of the Emilian capital, the flow of dem voters was constant. “Although this may not be a representative sample, seeing all these people has impressed me and I am very happy,” concluded the Professor.


At the polling stations at 12, a minute’s silence for deaths at work

At the request of the provincial commissioner of the Syracuse Democratic Party, Antonio Nicita, today throughout Italy during the voting operations in the gazebos for the party primaries, a minute of silence will be observed, at 12, to remember the deaths at work starting from last night in Avola, where a young worker lost his life on a construction site.

Boccia: “Uniting the left to beat the right that rewards the crafty”

“Even today the democratic people are showing us how strong the desire for democratic participation is. It is always nice to see centre-left voters lining up at the polling stations. They are asking for unity on the left and the courage to broaden the front to beat the right which with its measures continue to hit the weakest and wink at the crafty”, says Francesco Boccia, senator of the Democratic Party and political coordinator of the Schlein motion in Congress, leaving the Bisceglie polling station where he voted for the Democratic Party primaries.

Franceschini thanks Letta: “He took faults that weren’t his”

“Thanks to Letta for having brought the Democratic Party to this day with tenacity, political intelligence and generosity, enduring months of attacks, malice and taking on blame not hers,” writes Dario Franceschini on Twitter

Letta: “Proud of this community”

“The gazebos are open. Happy voting to all. Proud of a community that decides its own future with democracy and participation”. Enrico Letta writes it on social networks.

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