Home » Perfect teeth and bones? Here is the solution that comes from the kitchen

Perfect teeth and bones? Here is the solution that comes from the kitchen

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Perfect teeth and bones?  Here is the solution that comes from the kitchen

Adequate nutrition is necessary to stay healthy: today we are going to see a particular food that brings many benefits especially as regards bones and teeth.

Bones of the human body – checucino.it

In a world where appearance matters more and more, having aesthetic teeth is a very important factor. In addition to washing i teeth often, however, we will be able to opt for some foods that promote the health of this part of the body. In particular, there is a vegetable which, in addition to improving the dental situation, also helps to strengthen the teeth bone. What are we talking about? Simple, of chicory!

Although not everyone likes it, this vegetable has very important nutritional values, which manage to provide a myriad of benefits for the whole body. Bringing it to the table at least a couple of times a week would be the ideal solution to obtain all the necessary nutrients in order to achieve the purpose listed above.

The properties of chicory

Raw chicory – checucino.it

On a nutritional level, chicory is a food recommended for all those who are following a low-calorie diet aimed at weight loss. In fact, it hardly contributes 17 calories per 100 grams of product. It is also mainly composed of wateran excellent factor for increasing thedaily hydration of the body. From a nutritional point of view, it is very rich in fibres, substances which favor correct digestion and chronic faecal evacuation.

They are also very much antioxidants, substances that delay cellular aging as much as possible in order to lower the risk of contracting degenerative pathologies such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or tumor formations. Finally we find large doses of vitaminsthose of group C and of group K above all, e mineral salts such as calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

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The other benefits of food

The vegetable in question – checucino.it

The presence of short-chain fatty acids has been linked by numerous studies to one decreased appetite. Chicory is therefore excellent if you want to throw off a few extra pounds. Furthermore, the frequent consumption of this vegetable leads to an increase in the immunitary defense in order to avoid the contraction of classic ailments such as colds, fever or sore throat.

It does not end here since the food in question has a hepatoprotective function, i.e. capable of defending our liver from possible threats. Finally, it would seem that chicory manages to optimally lower the levels of cholesterol and blood glucose going to decrease the chances of contracting the diabetes.

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