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Pharmacy overview guide: “High blood pressure. The first 100 days”

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Pharmacy overview guide: “High blood pressure. The first 100 days”

Wort & Bild publishing group – company announcements

Baierbrunn (ots)

What the diagnosis means. How you are treated medically. What you can do yourself.

Hypertension is considered a silent disease with serious consequences. The German Hypertension League currently assumes that around 30 million people in Germany suffer from hypertension. But only 19 million of them know about it and can do something about it. So the number of unreported cases is very high. The new guide explains what steps those affected should take after the diagnosis and what treatment options there are, both medicinal and self-management “High Blood Pressure. The First 100 Days”, which will be published by Wort & Bild Verlag on April 8th.

This guide provides understandable answers to the most important questions which are probably on the hearts of those affected after the diagnosis: Which blood pressure values ​​are normal and which are elevated? How do doctors track down high blood pressure? How can you measure your blood pressure correctly? What medications can be used to lower blood pressure, and what lifestyle habits should you change? Above all: What can you do to lower your blood pressure? A large part of “High Blood Pressure: The First 100 Days” is devoted to this Self-management with tips for reducing stress, nutrition, apps and service addresses.

“The good news: High blood pressure is easy to treat. The combination of drug therapy and an improvement in lifestyle helps to get the disease under control very well.”

(From “High blood pressure. The first 100 days”, 128 pages, EUR 16.99 [D]ISBN 978-3-927216-81-5, Release date: April 8, 2023)

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The First 100 Days Series

In the guide series “The First 100 Days”, which has been published by Wort & Bild Verlag since 2022, is next to “High Blood Pressure. The First 100 Days” already the title “Type 2 Diabetes. The First 100 Days” appeared. This guide answers numerous questions about the disease and life with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. In addition to practical everyday tips, those affected will also find suggestions on what they can do themselves to improve or stabilize their blood sugar levels. “Type 2 Diabetes – The First 100 Days”, 128 pages, EUR 18.00 [D]ISBN: 978-3-927216-77-8, Wort & Bild Verlag, Release date: August 06, 2022

About the pharmacy magazine-Book Series:

Millions of people trust the health literacy of Pharmacy magazine. Expert knowledge on health issues is now also available in book form. The following nutritional and health guides have been published so far: “High blood pressure. The first 100 days” (ISBN 978-3-927216-81-5), “Longer living without belly fat” (ISBN: 9783927216808), “Type 2 diabetes – The first 100 days” (ISBN 978-3-927216-77-8), “Meat-free” (ISBN 9783927216-76-1), “Fit in 12 weeks” (ISBN 978-3- 927216-70-9), “Slim with pleasure: interval fasting” (ISBN 978-3-927216-72-3), “Eat healthier – low in sugar” (ISBN 978-3-927216-68-6), “The stress-free back ” (ISBN 978-3-927216-67-9), “Food for Inflammation” (ISBN 978-3-927216-65-5), “Beautiful Skin” (ISBN 978-3-927216-56-3), ” Cooking vegetarian with pleasure” (ISBN 978-3-927216-58-7), “medicinal plants” (ISBN 978-3-927216-55-6), “Superfoods” (ISBN 978-3-927216-57-0), “Healthy Nutrition” (ISBN 978-3-927216-52-5) and “Healthy Weight Loss” (ISBN 978-3-927216-53-2).

The book program is constantly being expanded and is created with great care and expertise by Isartal Health Media, a sister company of Wort & Bild Verlag. The books are distributed in cooperation with Edel Verlagsgruppe GmbH, Neumühlen 17, 22763 Hamburg, [email protected]. All volumes are available in bookstores, in pharmacies and under available.

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Press contact:

Ehrlich & Anders GmbH communications agency
Katharina Wiesner
Tel: +49 (0)89-2378 6505
Mobil: +49 (0)151-28845437
E-Mail.: [email protected]

Word & Picture Publisher
Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR Manager
Tel.: +49 89 74433-360
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – company announcements, transmitted by news aktuell

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