Home » Photophobia, what it is, what are the symptoms and possible causes: what to pay attention to

Photophobia, what it is, what are the symptoms and possible causes: what to pay attention to

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Photophobia, what it is, what are the symptoms and possible causes: what to pay attention to

Photophobia is a condition that manifests itself as an extreme sensitivity to light that can cause symptoms and consequences that should not be underestimated.

Photophobia can be defined as an abnormal and intense reaction to light stimuli. Even low-intensity light can cause significant eye discomfort, prompting affected people to look for places with dimmer light or to wear dark glasses even in situations of normal exposure to the sun. This disorder can be present from birth or develop later trauma or ocular pathology.

Sufferers may experience discomfort or pain in their eyes and be forced to hide in dark places for relief. But what are the symptoms and what are the possible causes?

Photophobia: symptoms, causes and treatment

I symptoms of photophobia include: eye pain, redness, burning sensation, and excessive tearing when exposed to light. Simple signals to recognize, which most of the time can also be accompanied by heachache e nausea. Some people may also experience a feeling of being unable to fully open their eyes due to pain or tenderness.

Photophobia causes and solutions – Tantasalute.it

The causes of photophobia they can be of different nature. The most common include ocular pathology come:

keratitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis or corneal abrasions.

But it can also be a symptom of systemic diseases such as meningitis, cataract, glaucoma o chronic migraines.

Some medications can cause sensitivity to light as a side effect. It is important to point out that the photophobia it can also be present without any visible eye or systemic disease, as sensitivity to light can vary from person to person.

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If sensitivity to light is excessive and persistent, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist for an accurate evaluation. Your healthcare professional might perform various tests, such as a comprehensive eye exam or general health evaluation, to identify the trigger for your light sensitivity.

In the meantime, there are a few steps you can take to address photophobia and reduce associated symptoms. An immediate fix is ​​to wear sunglasses or protective glasses that block UV rays and reduce the intensity of light directed at the eyes. Also, you can try to avoid direct exposure to sunlight or very bright light sources during peak hours.

Some people may find it beneficial to use contact lenses with special filters for light or in applying lubricating eye drops to relieve any sore eyes or dry eyes. You can also try to reduce indoor lighting by using bulbs outfit or anti-glare screens on your computer or digital devices.

However, these self-help measures are temporary solutions and do not address the underlying cause of the photophobia. Affected persons should always consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment. In some cases, you may need a specific medical treatment to deal with underlying cause of photophobia.

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