Home » Political polls, Fratelli d’Italia returns to growth and detaches Schlein’s Pd, the M5s collapses

Political polls, Fratelli d’Italia returns to growth and detaches Schlein’s Pd, the M5s collapses

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Political polls, Fratelli d’Italia returns to growth and detaches Schlein’s Pd, the M5s collapses

Giorgia Meloni’s party, Brothers of Italy, is growing slightly after a few weeks of decline. The Democratic Party remains stable, while the 5-star Movement loses half a point in a week. Here are the results of the latest SWG political poll for La7.

After the success following the primaries and the election of Elly Schlein, the Democratic Party stops growing for the first time. This is one of the relevant data that emerges from the new poll performed by Swg for La7. Brothers of Italy remains the first party and slightly pushes the dem away, but in the opposition, the one who sees the worst result is the 5-star Movement, which is now detached from the Pd. The League, on the other hand, is doing very well.

Boom of the League, Brothers of Italy returns to touch 30%

As mentioned, Brothers of Italy remains firmly the first party in Italy: with 29.7% it registers a +0.1% compared to last week, and is once again approaching the 30% threshold. However, the impression remains that the period in which the party of Giorgia Meloni was growing steadily and significantly from week to week.

The Lega Of Matthew Salvini it is at 8.4%, with a +0.4% in seven days. It is the party that has grown the most in the past week, and this success helps the center-right cushion the negative figure of Come on Italy: 6.2%, 0.2% less than the last survey. For the party of Silvio Berlusconi this is a disappointing figure, if one considers that in the last political elections of 25 September 2022 FI reached 8.3%, also undermining the League which then took 8.9%.

Overall, since that day the only center-right party to have recorded real growth in the polls is the Brothers of Italy, which gained almost four points from 26% of the elections. Today the three main parties of the majority they would collect 44.3% of the votes.

Pd stable above 20% while the M5s collapses to 15%

In the ranks of the opposition, the lion takes the lion’s share Democratic party, which however remains unchanged at 20.4%. The Democratic Party, after electing Elly Schlein as secretary, saw a strong rise in the polls, to the point of returning to being the leading minority party. The current result calculated by SWG is higher than that obtained in the last general elections (19%), but it remains to be seen whether the party will be able to close the gap with the Brothers of Italy, which today has more than 9 points of advantage.

Conversely, the 5 star movement in recent weeks it has lost several points in the statistical surveys: it is at 15.1%, while it was at 15.6% just seven days ago. After a growth that began before the elections and continued in the following months – until it virtually overtook the Democratic Party as the first opposition party – Giuseppe Conte’s party stopped gaining support, just when the dem chose Schlein as the new leader.

Third pole, Avs and +Europe: slight decrease for everyone in the opposition

The Third Pole of Action e Italy alivereturning from another disappointing result in the regional elections of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, does not find any consolation in this poll: it is at 7.8%, with a drop of 0.2% from the last survey. Charles Calenda e Matthew Renzi they could seek a relaunch of their alignment after June 10, the date on which the two parties should merge into a single political entity.

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Among other opposition parties, theGreen-Left Alliance it drops slightly from 3.4% to 3.3%. The same goes for +Europa, from 2.7% to 2.6%. In minor deployments Swg detects the trend of Popular Union by Luigi De Magistris (stable at 1.8%) and by Italexit by Gianluigi Paragone (1.9%, +0.2%). A decline is recorded by the data on abstinence, which fell from 36% to 34%.

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