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Preventing Neurological Pathologies: Take Care of Your Brain

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Preventing Neurological Pathologies: Take Care of Your Brain

Take care of your brain: Neurological diseases can be prevented, according to the Italian Society of Neurology (Sin). Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, migraine, sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsies are just a few of the neurological pathologies that affect billions of people worldwide and are leading causes of disability and loss of autonomy. Sin is spreading awareness about the importance of prevention through their campaign, “Protect your brain, rely on the neurologist.”

The president of Sin, Professor Alfredo Berardelli, emphasizes the significance of prevention and lifestyle habits in avoiding neurological conditions. He advises against smoking, maintaining physical exercise and cognitive activities like reading and socializing to keep the brain healthy. He also stresses the need to manage risk factors such as diabetes, which can lead to dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Consulting with a neurologist for early diagnosis is another critical aspect of prevention.

Sleep disorders are a common issue affecting 12 million Italians. Neurologists highlight the impact of poor quality sleep on health, particularly the high cardio-cerebro-vascular risk and stroke associated with conditions such as obstructive apnea. They recommend maintaining healthy sleep habits and avoiding behaviors that disrupt sleep.

Stroke is a severe neurological condition affecting around 150,000 Italians annually, with 800,000 people living with its consequences. Experts reveal that up to 90 percent of stroke cases can be prevented by addressing main risk factors, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and certain cardiovascular problems. Treating hypertension, losing weight, and quitting smoking significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

Parkinson’s disease affects approximately 400,000 Italians. Physical exercise, mental activity, and proper nutrition play key roles in preventing and managing motor disabilities associated with this condition. Neurologists recommend a predominantly vegetarian and low-cholesterol diet, as high-protein meals interfere with drug absorption. The Mediterranean diet with unsaturated fats from olive oil is particularly beneficial for cognitive disorders.

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Multiple sclerosis affects around 130,000 Italians and is a neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease. Early diagnosis and optimal control are vital in reducing long-term disability. Alongside medical treatments, experts advocate for healthy lifestyle habits, including a Mediterranean diet, avoiding inflammatory behaviors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, regular physical activity with sun exposure, and vitamin D supplementation.

Neuromuscular diseases impact around 100,000 Italians. Acquired forms like diabetic neuropathy and genetic forms like SMA can be prevented through techniques like neonatal screening. Neuromuscular centers provide vital multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment pathways, ensuring timely management and preventing progression.

Over 1.2 million Italians suffer from dementia, with around 60 percent having Alzheimer’s disease. Reducing risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis, smoking, and lack of physical activity also lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurologists recommend moderate aerobic exercise, a Mediterranean diet, and engaging in stimulating activities like reading and learning new languages to delay dementia.

Prevention of headaches involves maintaining a consistent lifestyle and avoiding trigger foods and drinks like fermented cheeses, chocolate, and red wine. New therapies like anti-CGRP monoclonals provide relief for chronic migraine patients resistant to previous treatments.

Sin’s campaign aims to increase awareness about the preventability of neurological diseases and the importance of consulting with a neurologist for early diagnosis and intervention. By taking care of our brains through proper lifestyle habits and regular check-ups, we can reduce the burden of these disabling conditions.

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