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Promoting Sexual Health: A Right for All Ages

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Promoting Sexual Health: A Right for All Ages

Sexual Health: A Right for All Ages

Sexual health is a fundamental right that must be guaranteed throughout life, spanning from adolescence to old age. It encompasses more than just the importance of safe relationships and avoiding the transmission of infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the need for healthy and fully consensual sexual relationships, highlighting the significance of sexual well-being.

Globally, there are approximately one million infections transmitted annually, and Italy has seen a notable increase in cases over the past decade. According to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, from 1991 to 2021, there were 151,384 new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) reported in Italy. The most affected age group is between 15 and 24 years old.

Barbara Suligoi, head of the IST surveillance system at the ISS, suggests that the increase in STI cases among young people in Italy is due to a lack of awareness and knowledge. One of the most prevalent infections is condylomas, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These infections are preventable through anti-HPV vaccination, which also helps prevent various anogenital cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment are key in managing and curing most STIs, as untreated cases can lead to severe consequences such as complications during pregnancy, infertility, and tumors. Seeking medical attention promptly and addressing any genital disorders is highly recommended.

Preventing STIs involves using condoms and avoiding unprotected intercourse with partners whose health status is unknown. However, the concept of sexual health extends beyond disease prevention. WHO acknowledges that sexual health is a right and an essential part of a normal and healthy life. The latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases includes a chapter on sexual health for the first time, emphasizing the importance of promoting intimacy, pleasure, consent, and overall well-being.

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Unfortunately, non-consensual and violent relationships still prevail, particularly affecting women and girls. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) highlights how the right to sexual health is denied when sex is marred by shame, ignorance, coercion, abuse, or exploitation. Lack of access to contraception further exacerbates the issue. To address these concerns, the World Sexual Health Day this year focuses on the importance of consent, making it the core message of the initiative. The World Association for Sexual Health calls for the understanding and promotion of consent in all sexual encounters, irrespective of gender and orientation.

In conclusion, sexual health is a vital aspect of overall well-being and should be protected and nurtured throughout one’s life. The fight against STIs requires heightened awareness, education, and access to preventive measures. Moreover, promoting consent and respect for individual choices is crucial in ensuring healthy sexual relationships for all.

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