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Queen Elizabeth, health conditions leave you disconcerted. The photo makes you pale

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Queen Elizabeth, health conditions leave you disconcerted.  The photo makes you pale

These last few years have been really heavy for Queen Elizabeth, her health conditions on several occasions have made not only her subjects but the whole world tremble.

Queen Elizabeth has really had to endure some really tough years just lately a year ago he left us his lifelong partnerhis husband Prince Philip almost on the threshold of 100 yearsjust before the celebrations of the long-awaited date.

For the sovereign that was really a hard blow and from that moment her own was evident not too slow deterioration in health conditions. This year then it was not very easy given the many commitments that saw her right at the center of attention, one of all her own Platinum Jubilee for her 70s as ruler of the Spider Kingdoman important date, she is a piece of world history.

Although the celebration was important, on many occasions and in various events, Queen Elizabeth did not feel like taking part cause its own health conditions that forced her to give upin fact more than once it has been replaced by the direct heir to the throne, Prince Charles with his wife Camilla, but also his nephew William and his wife Kate took the place of the elderly sovereign.

However, one thing that particularly cheered her up was when she managed to reconcile with his second favorite nephew, Prince Harry and consortwho flew to London on the occasion of the Jubilee to pay homage to the queen.

Apart from these events, the apparitions of the sovereign have been increasingly sporadic and this made the subjects particularly worry, especially after it had come to light that he had contracted Covid and at his age, 96, it is not something to joke with, especially for what it is called Long Covid, which is studied leaves some very debilitating symptoms.

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Queen Elizabeth said that after contracting the terrible virus she had moments of profound weakness in addition to a poor mobility that saw her use a cane and there was talk of a wheelchair in future appearances, but now something seems to have changed.

Queen Elizabeth

The health conditions of Queen Elizabeth

Recently it seems that Queen Elizabeth is doing much better than she looked a few months ago, it would appear that the situation has partly recovereda, so much so that a photo has circulated that has raised the morale of the subjects.

In fact, it appeared in some English gossip newspapers the image of the sovereign riding one of her ponies, obviously accompanied by the staff of the Royal Palace stables. An important sign of recovery, this passion of her seems to be helping her a lot also from the point of view of mobility, which seemed practically lostso it seems that the worst is over.

Queen Elizabeth

Long life to the Queen! Which among other things is in second place in the ranking of the longest reigns in time with his 70 years on the throne, for now in the first place there is still Louis XIV with 72 years as king.

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