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Recognizing and treating depression in old age > – Guide

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Recognizing and treating depression in old age  > – Guide

Status: 06/30/2023 2:45 p.m

Many people are depressed in old age, but the disease is often misunderstood. Treatment is important. What are the symptoms of depression in old age? What helps against that?

Along with dementia, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in older people. According to the German Depression Aid Foundation, severe depression is no more common than in younger age groups, but milder depression occurs two to three times more frequently in old age.

Depression in old age not only means a loss of quality of life, but also entails greater risks. Affected people retreat to bed due to depression or eat and drink too little. In addition, depression has a negative effect on existing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the risk of suicide increases with age, especially in men.

Depression in old age is often overlooked

Basically, depression in old age is similar to the illness in younger years. In addition to the classic symptoms, however, there are age-specific peculiarities that lead to depression being recognized late or not at all. It is often unclear to what extent diseases that often occur in old age lead to depression. Typical symptoms of depression, such as sleep or drive disorders, can also be associated with a physical illness without depression being present. In the same way, physical or psychosomatic complaints can mask depressive symptoms.

Circumstances do not play a major role

Recognizing depression is also made more difficult by the fact that those affected and their relatives often reflect on the living conditions of old age – the loss of a partner, lack of recognition or physical illnesses – as a trigger for depressive symptoms. It is not the external factors that play a major role, but primarily the disposition, according to Prof. Ulrich Hegerl, Chairman of the German Depression Aid and Suicide Prevention Foundation. However, if depression is not recognized as an independent disease, it cannot be treated either.

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Symptoms: how does depression manifest itself in old age?

Depression is typically characterized by a feeling of hopelessness, listlessness, or lack of feeling. Older people suffering from depression also tend to perceive physical ailments as more threatening than they are. They focus their attention and concern on existing problems such as pain, ringing in the ears or sleep disorders and increasingly find them unbearable.

For example, if they have concentration and comprehension disorders that are the result of depression, many fear that they have Alzheimer’s dementia. Unlike people with dementia, depressed people are usually not disoriented and can, for example, give the correct date and time when asked.

Further information

“You don’t feel joy and fear when you’re depressed”: singer Howard Carpendale talks about his illness in the NDR Info podcast “Raus aus der Depression”. more

Depression in old age: test for those affected and help for relatives

An online self-test, for example from the German Depression Aid Foundation, can provide an initial assessment of your own risk of illness based on signs. Important: It does not replace a visit to the doctor or therapist. Only they can make a reliable medical diagnosis. There is an e-learning tool on depression in old age for caregivers and caregivers. The free 90-minute online training provides information on how to recognize that a person in need of care has depression. There are also answers to questions such as: How do I address this to those in need of care? Who do I have to inform if help is needed?

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Who is particularly at risk of developing depression in old age?

Depression in old age can be triggered by various factors. Causes can be a genetic predisposition, but also trauma or early experiences of abuse. In addition, certain events can have a negative impact and lead to depression. These include retiring from working life, less financial resources when you retire, experiences of loss such as the death of a loved one, the physical separation of children and grandchildren, moving to a retirement or nursing home or the loss of social contacts.

According to Prof. Hegerl, it is rather rare for someone to experience depression for the first time in old age. “If you have depression, you usually have a predisposition to it, otherwise you don’t slip into it, even if life is very difficult and bitter. Most people have had depressive episodes before.”

treating depression in old age

Psychotherapy and medication help older people with depression just as well as younger people.

Treating depression is just as important in older people as it is in younger people. And even in old age, depression can be treated well with medication and psychotherapy. Careful selection of the antidepressant by the doctor is important because drug therapy is more complicated in older people. Because often several medications are taken, which can lead to interactions and intolerances.

The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in particular has also been proven, although psychotherapy is only rarely offered to older people. According to the German Depression Aid, the proportion of people over 60 in psychotherapy is very low at six percent.

What can family and friends do?

The social environment of people with depression, especially relatives and friends, often plays an important role. They can help the person concerned, for example by taking the initiative and making an appointment with the doctor. “As a patient suffering from depression, you blame yourself and do not have the courage, energy and hope to find your way into professional treatment. The relatives are incredibly important to motivate and support the patient”, like Hegerl.

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Postpone important decisions during depression

It is also important that sufferers do not make any important life decisions during depression, advises Hegerl. Because they see reality distorted and judge it Things may be different after the illness and make different decisions. “Many people feel very exhausted during the depression and think it’s work to blame. They then take early retirement or change jobs. But then that wasn’t it, the exhaustion didn’t come from work at all, but from the illness . Then you feel exhausted even as a pensioner.”

Further information

Depression is widespread and the symptoms are not always clear. But treatment should start as early as possible. more

Talking about depression helps to better understand the disease – with those affected, relatives and experts, as in this podcast. more

People with depression often observe weight changes. You can benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet. more

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