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Recognizing the Symptoms: 7 Signs of Diabetes You Should Never Ignore

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Recognizing the Symptoms: 7 Signs of Diabetes You Should Never Ignore

If you have any of these seven symptoms, never underestimate it! It could be diabetes, let’s learn to recognize them.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is increasingly present in our society: unfortunately, the lifestyle we have is sometimes not the best, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle can lead us to become significantly overweight and make us ill. Of course, the genetic component influences the onset of diabetes but cases of pediatric diabetes are very few compared to those that occur as adults. It is a disease that has a major impact on society because, if not treated, it can be disabling.

When our body is no longer able to produce sufficient insulin, we are faced with so-called diabetes mellitus. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is a hormone that is used to absorb glucose, a very important sugar for our body: it is what reaches our cells which use it as a source of energy. When insulin is deficient, blood glucose levels become too high and we get sick. The important thing is early diagnosis and keeping the disease under control: if we are obese, suffer from hypertension, smoke, or have a lot of abdominal fat, it is a good idea to undergo medical checks.

Let’s learn about the symptoms that should alert us to diabetes

There are symptoms which, even if we are far from the type of people who are predisposed, it is best not to ignore and report the disorders to the doctor; this will allow us to carry out checks to have a certain diagnosis and be able to treat ourselves adequately. The typical symptoms of those suffering from diabetes, knowing them is essential:

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1. Thirst: the high concentration of glucose in the blood makes us drink a lot, much more than usual, and consequently, the need to urinate will be high.
2. Tingling: the sensation of numbness and tingling often occurs in the lower and upper limbs.
3. Tiredness: the energy deficiency is very strong in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
4. Gums: they often bleed.
5. Wounds: You may notice difficulty healing small cuts, for example when shaving.
6. Eyes: Vision may become blurred.
7. Hunger: Constant hunger can be an indicator of the disease.

In the presence of these symptoms, it is a good idea to carry out checks on blood sugar levels to confirm or deny the diagnosis. Diabetes mellitus can still be kept under control even without drugs, it obviously depends on various factors, but, in general, it is necessary to change your lifestyle: physical exercise must become daily, it is the thing that helps us the most; obviously, you also need to follow a correct diet and possibly resort to medicines. The important thing is to never underestimate the symptoms to intervene immediately and avoid bad complications.

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