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Rest after severe stress? So you can also “rejuvenate” – breaking latest news

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Rest after severe stress?  So you can also “rejuvenate” – breaking latest news
Of Elena Meli

Genetic aging at 25%, but we can work on the rest: less stress (where possible), but also not smoking, exercising, having a healthy diet, good social relationships and not being overweight

Whether after a relaxing weekend or an uncomplicated time seems to have a more youthful appearancenot just an impression: knowing how to manage stress and being able to recover better after difficult moments helps to bring back (at least a little) turn the hand of time back. Which accelerates when we face life’s difficulties, but then can slow down again until it makes us rejuvenate: it is biologicalthe one that the body really has and does not necessarily correspond to the candles on the birthday cake, in short, more fluid and malleable than expected and something can be done to reduce it.

The recipe for longevity

This is supported by researchers from Harvard and Duke University, after discovering that some cellular DNA modifications typical of agingevident and numerous in complicated moments such as surgery, severe Covid or pregnancy, they can disappear after recovering from the inevitable stress we were forced to endure. Is living keeping stress to a minimum and learning to relax the real recipe for eternal youth? It’s not the only ingredient but it certainly counts a lot, as Andrea Ungar, president of the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics observes: 25 percent of the rate at which we age is linked to genes but the rest depends on the environment, i.e. from elements related to lifestyle. The ability to manage stress among these, because being chronically under pressure makes you sick: lowers the immune system making it susceptible to infections, exposes to cardiovascular disease, increases the likelihood of sleep disorders and gastrointestinal problems, worsens chronic pain, all elements that contribute to aging earlier and worse. And he adds: To stay young and healthy for as long as possible, they matter a lot too other factors related to the lifestyle on which you can act, such as a healthy diet, regular movement, satisfying social relationships: having good relationships with others literally lengthens life also because it lowers the psychological age, the years we feel on. Those who perceive themselves younger even slow down the course of illnesses.

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Inter alia, diagnose and treat them early and well as possible today thanks to the advances of medicine helps not a little to stay young: Morgan Levine of Yale University and Eileen Crimmins of the University of Los Angeles, analyzing how the mechanisms of biological aging have changed in the last twenty years, have discovered that above all thanks to increasingly advanced therapies, capable of maintaining the good functioning of cells, tissues and organs for longer, the real age of the organism is gradually moving away from the chronological one and today it can be said that sixty is the new fifty.

I test online

However, measuring biological age is not as easy as asking for an identity card. You can find them online innumerable testfree and not, which take into account the most disparate factors, from genetics to psychology, from clinical parameters to cognitive abilities, for Ungar invites us to be wary: Different organs, for example, can age at a different rate and so there are scientifically validated tests to estimate how aged blood vessels or others that assess cognition are, but online “general” tests are usually poorly indicative. true also for those that measure the chemical changes of DNA linked to aging, used by US researchers to demonstrate that recovering from stress helps to rejuvenate cells. They can also be found for sale on the web for a few hundred dollars but Steve Horvath, one of the authors, warns: To date they are not useful for an average person, we don’t know how to draw specific recommendations for each one but only the indications we already know to stay young at long: don’t smoke, don’t be overweight, eat vegetables, exercise.

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April 29, 2023 (change April 29, 2023 | 16:59)

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