Home » Samsung emphasizes the reorganization of Exynos processor business, does not affect the cooperation with AMD on Radeon display technology – yqqlm

Samsung emphasizes the reorganization of Exynos processor business, does not affect the cooperation with AMD on Radeon display technology – yqqlm

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Samsung emphasizes the reorganization of Exynos processor business, does not affect the cooperation with AMD on Radeon display technology – yqqlm
[This article comes from: Mashdigi]

Future Exynos processors will still integrate Radeon display technology

A few days ago, Samsung denied that it would terminate the development of the Exynos processor business, but revealed that it will carry out business restructuring. Earlier, it stated that it will continue to cooperate with AMD, which means that Radeon display technology will continue to be applied to Exynos processors in the future to improve mobile computing display. efficacy.

According to Sungboem Park, Samsung’s vice president in charge of GPU project research and development, most mobile devices currently use the processor’s GPU technology, which is about 5 years behind PC. GPU display performance is greatly improved.

Samsung emphasizes the restructuring of Exynos processor business, does not affect the cooperation with AMD Radeon display technology

However, Samsung previously cooperated with AMD for the first wave of Xclipse 920 GPU for Exynos 2200 processor. Although it is designed with AMD RDNA 2 display architecture and corresponds to 6 sets of computing units and 512 sets of stream processors, its overall performance is not outstanding. , or even overheating due to thermal power performance issues.

It is rumored that Samsung will reorganize the Exynos processor business, which may greatly improve the processor design. Among them, the cooperation with AMD may consider directly adopting the next-generation RDNA 3 display architecture, and increase the display performance by 50%. Corresponding to 8 sets of operation units and 512 sets of stream processors, it may be called Xclipse 930 GPU.

In addition, Samsung will also sign a cooperation with Qualcomm next to extend the patent authorization period to 2030, and it is also expected that the new Galaxy S23 series flagship phones launched early next year will increase the proportion of Qualcomm processors.

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