Home » serious conditions. He did not want hospitalization

serious conditions. He did not want hospitalization

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serious conditions.  He did not want hospitalization

Since yesterday, the world has been apprehensive about the health conditions of Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI. The request for prayer from his successor, Francesco and the news that chases each other hour after hour.

Benedict XVI during his last trip to Germany – Nanopress.it

From the Vatican Press Office they let it be known that his conditions are “serious but stable”. From the German press, however, comes another piece of news.

Benedict XVI: how are you?

The Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, is in poor health and, as Pope Francis himself stated yesterday asking for prayers for him, “he is very ill”. News that, since yesterday morning, when the first one was released, has followed one another hour by hour and the whole world is now apprehensive about the health of the Pontiff.

A few short words were issued from the Vatican Press Office, namely that the current health conditions of Benedict XVI are serious but stable, but above all that, in the last few hours, the clinical picture has considerably worsened, mainly due to his advanced age.

The night passed peacefully. This is what the media from all over the world has been broadcasting. The Pope Emeritus is continuously assisted and monitored by doctors and nurses who have declared that the situation is not known for how long it will last, it could precipitate in a few hours or even last for days.

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Germany, the Pope’s home state, is awaiting more detailed news from the Vatican. The German press, in fact, is the one most attentive to the development of the story. In particular, two newspapers such as the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” and the “Spiegel” have focused attention on a very particular aspect: it was the same Pope Ratzinger to refuse any transfer to hospitalas if to want to fully respect the will that God has destined for him.

Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI – Nanopress.it

His conditions are serious: the news also spread by the German press

A decision taken by the Pope himself but which was not confirmed by the Vatican, since, after the news previously reported, no other statements were released.

The whole world is following closely and with apprehension the evolution of the health conditions of the Supreme Pontiff but it is the German press that is even more present about Ratzinger’s conditions. Now everything is waiting for a possible medical bulletin that could (the conditional is obligatory) be released by the Vatican Press Office in the next few hours.

The news, spread by the two German media, namely that Benedict XVI himself did not want to be hospitalized in any hospital, is the one that is most gaining ground in the world of German information. But, as we said, everything from the Vatican is fixed on the news released this morning: the Pope Emeritus spent a night without relevant news, he is constantly assisted and monitored and his conditions are serious but stable.

Further updates on his health and condition are awaited.

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