Home » Slow metabolism, lose 4 kilos in 10 days: incredible results!

Slow metabolism, lose 4 kilos in 10 days: incredible results!

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Slow metabolism, lose 4 kilos in 10 days: incredible results!

Speed ​​up your slow metabolism, this way you will lose a lot in a short time and you will have the perfect body for the summer.

slow metabolism
Diet of 4 kilos in 10 days, eat this way and lose weight (Canva) – Haircare.it

Il slow metabolism it is a common condition in which the body burns less energy than it should and can be the result of reduced levels of physical activity, hormonal changes or malnutrition. Because of this, the organism stores more energy in the form of fat in excess which can lead to health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

The most common causes of a slow metabolism are an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, hormonal and genetic factors. Stress can also affect your metabolism, as it can cause you to overproduce the stress hormone cortisol. A excess cortisol can suppress the functioning of metabolic processes.

But, fortunately, it is possible fix to slow metabolism with a healthy diet and some exercise.

Slow metabolism, try this diet and you will lose a lot of weight: ready for summer?

Healthy eating (Canva) – Haircare.it

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One of the most effective diets to speed up the metabolism is 4 kilos in 10 days diet. This diet promotes a combination of exercise, a healthy, balanced diet, and moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages to help the body burn more calories and lose weight. Below is an example of food from this diet.

Physical Exercise (Canva) – Haircare.it

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For the first breakfast there is the possibility to choose between a freshly squeezed fruit juice, a cup of coffee without sugar, a banana or a glass of Greek yogurt. At the time of lunch you can choose between a salad, a plate of steamed vegetables, hard-boiled eggs or a serving of lean protein such as fish or beans. There cena it may consist of a portion of a low-fat cooked meal or a soup.

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In addition to this you can eat something mid-morning and mid-afternoon such as a mela, a handful of walnuts or one yoghurt with fruit.

As an integral part of the diet it is important to do at least an hour of cardio or aerobic exercises every daysuch as walking or running. It is also important to maintain good hydration by drinking at least two liters of water a day.


You may not see results right away, but with the right combination of a healthy diet and exercise, you can speed up your metabolism and achieve better fitness.

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