Home » Small holes in the lawn overnight? You can do that

Small holes in the lawn overnight? You can do that

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Are you taking a leisurely stroll through your garden in the sunshine and suddenly notice that there are holes everywhere in the lawn? There was no sign of it the day before! What animal could be responsible for leaving small holes in the lawn overnight?

Foto: Jus_Ol/ Shutterstock


When asked this way, the question cannot be answered. Because they can be different animals. You can tell which one exactly by the size and shape of the hole. How can you actually refill these? And what’s the point if the animal is still in the garden?

Which animal is to blame?

Foto: hydebrink/ Shutterstock

How do you know who is causing the holes in the lawn? Sometimes you can tell by the type of hole, other times you have to be patient and observe. According to My Beautiful Garden, the following identifying features can be distinguished:

Rodents cause small holes in the lawn overnight

Foto: Chamois huntress/ Shutterstock

You can quickly tell whether it is a rodent by the size of the hole. It is larger than that of insects, for example, because mice etc. have to fit through it. Take a closer look:

The hole is approx. 2 cm in diameter. It is located directly and freely on the surface and leads deep into the ground

→ This is probably a shrew or a field mouse.

You find a mound of earth, push the loose earth aside and you discover the hole in the ground

→ Yes, the mole seems pretty obvious and everyone can probably recognize a molehill. But the vole can also be responsible for sputum. But in their case the hill is smaller. You can find out what you can do against moles here.

Photo: Maksim Safaniuk/ Shutterstock Large hole (larger than mole holes) the grass is trampled around it

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→ These are most likely rabbits or hares. Their presence can often be recognized by the eaten plants in the area around the burrow.

Holes of 20 cm diameter No ejection

→ Rats could have nested here. Unfortunately, destruction must be considered here as they are associated with disease transmission. An exterminator can provide you with advice and support. You can also try these tips.

Insects also make small holes in the lawn

Foto: Tunatura/ Shutterstock

Some insects also throw out soil material, for example ants. With them the distribution looks as fine as sand. If the sputum looks like small piles of feces, it is an earthworm that has fought its way through the lawn.

Crickets dig small holes that run at a very downward angle. Holes in the lawn that run straight down and are the same size as those of the crickets are usually spider burrows. Various species of bees also build underground, such as sand bees and solitary bees.

If you really want to know what it is, you can also take some time and observe the hole. Bees are in constant motion, so you probably won’t have to wait long to see them fly out or in here.

Even crickets crawl out the door when the weather is nice. They enjoy the warm sun directly in front of their hole and quickly disappear as soon as they sense danger.

Photo: Petr Ganaj/Shutterstock

Can birds be to blame too?

However, they quickly recognize this because they are shallow holes. They arise when our feathered friends peck at the ground and look for food. Their beaks are not very long, so they cannot penetrate deep into the earth.

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How to fill holes in your lawn

You can repair the holes in the lawn if they bother you and it’s not that difficult. However, the first thing you have to do is, of course, eliminate the cause. If you simply filled the holes in the lawn, the animal or insect would simply clear a path through the soil again.

Insect holes are quite inconspicuous and do not need to be filled. This happens on its own in a very short time. If you want, you can fill larger rodent holes with soil (but this would also happen on its own over time). If there are unsightly, bare spots in the lawn, you can also reseed. Beforehand, loosen the affected areas by piercing the soil several times with a spade. If the holes are deeper than five centimeters, it is recommended to fill them with humus before sowing the lawn seeds.

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