Home » Smartphones, an invisible danger to our health: the effects on our body

Smartphones, an invisible danger to our health: the effects on our body

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Smartphones, an invisible danger to our health: the effects on our body

Smartphones are an integral part of our lives, but in some cases they can also become an invisible danger to our health.

When it comes to smartphone we don’t think of a simple technological object, but of a real life companion who accompanies us to every corner of the house and of the world.
We always carry it with us and we never part with it, not even when we sleep or are in the bathroom, but many do not know that in some cases it can also become a danger to our health.

Smartphones and mobile phones in general are not tools to be demonized and it is known that there is also a lot of misinformation floating around regarding these devices.
However, it has been scientifically proven that in some specific cases there has been a correlation between direct contact with the smartphone and some people’s health problems, even quite serious ones.
Here because it is important to know how to limit yourself in certain particular cases.

Not only physical damage, but also social problems

The smartphone, as we said earlier, have invaded our lives, sometimes going to override what used to be ours social interactions before their introduction on the market.
Many people, especially children and teenagers, spend much more time glued to their smartphones and this of course it takes time away from relationshipsgoing out with friends, sports and other social activities.

This is perhaps the major problem arising from the spasmodic use of smartphones, especially in adolescence and pre-adolescence.
Despite this, however, we would like to point out that thanks to smartphones and social networks, many problems have also been solved such as shyness, long-distance relationships; greatly improving people’s quality of lifeespecially of school-age children.

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An invisible enemy for health: it comes from smartphones

However, the whole series of risks that smartphones can cause to our health should not be underestimated, especially when we are exposed to them electromagnetic field very long.
It happens especially at night when maybe we fall asleep and we leave the smartphone on the pillow or on the mattress next to us: this is obviously an inadvisable action since the electromagnetic waves of the device can disturb sleep and our circadian cycle.

Smartphone, watch out for sleep risks (Newsby.it)

In more serious cases, therefore when we are exposed to electromagnetic waves from smartphones for a very long time, it has been demonstrated that there could be a possible risk of tumors.
A correlation that still does not have 100% confirmation in the scientific community, but which in any case should be remembered as a possible and concrete risk.
That’s why in general it is always better to limit the use of the smartphoneespecially before and during sleep.

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