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Spring – joy as the basis of development and change

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Spring – joy as the basis of development and change

(Image source: Janiere Fernandez)

Spring is here, the light season begins and nature is awakened to more life. It’s just wonderful and we’re metaphorically starting to wake up again.

“Spring has a redeeming power.” W. Busch

But can people still be brought into a pleasant spring mood? Can you be happy despite existing problems?

In this day and age, when stress and pressure to perform and negative political news are omnipresent, it is particularly important not to forget the positive sides of life. Because it is one of the wisdom of life that we keep what we love above all else. It is important to understand the meaning of joy and how it shapes not only our psychological well-being but also our development.

Why is joy important from a psychological perspective?

Let’s start by answering the fundamental question: Why is joy even important? Psychologically, joy is not just a pleasant feeling, but an essential part of human life. Joy acts as a catalyst for various aspects of our existence. Not only does it strengthen our mental health, but it also influences our cognitive abilities, social relationships and even our physical well-being.

What does joy do to the body and brain?

Joy is not just a feeling that arises in the brain, but also has measurable effects on our bodies. When we feel joy, happiness hormones such as dopamine and serotonin are released. These chemicals play a key role in regulating our mood and reward system. In addition, joy strengthens our immune system, reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and even promotes the healing of diseases.

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In the brain, joy leads to increased activity in certain regions, particularly the prefrontal cortex and reward center of the brain. This activity is closely linked to positive emotions, increased creativity and improved cognitive performance.

How does joy act as motivation?

Another fascinating aspect of joy is its role as a motivator. When we strive for joy, and better yet, have created it within ourselves, we are more motivated to engage in activities that give our lives meaning. When we focus on selected life goals that bring truly desirable gains for ourselves and other living beings, this in turn makes us want to get up and develop euphoria for these goals. Man strives for happiness in life. This intrinsic drive pushes us to improve our skills, set goals, and overcome obstacles. Joy can therefore serve as a force that drives us to develop our full potential and develop personally. Just think of how much strength we have for everyday tasks when we’re newly in love. For us, problems are clearly solvable challenges or we don’t give them unnecessary weight. We are not caught up in negative thoughts, but rather enjoy inner joy and clarity.

Being in love and creativity

A particularly interesting connection between joy and human development is the relationship between infatuation and creativity. Studies have shown that people exhibit increased creativity when in a state of infatuation. This is because the intense emotions and positive mood that accompany falling in love puts the brain in a state of increased flexibility. In this state we are open to new ideas, solutions and perspectives that can inspire our creativity. How about we fall in love with our existence again, really perceive it again, and pay more attention to the little miracles of life?

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We should let go of loyalty to our problems. Most people are lost in their thoughts. But it is important to be present.

“Know yourself” – this is how the ancient philosophers put it. In turbulent times, it is particularly important to take some time to calm down and take a personal inner inventory at certain intervals. What are my deep mental goals? How do I connect this with my creativity? How do I design my areas of life? Life is in flux. There is no security but it is possible to build a solid foundation by shaping the areas of your life according to your own deep needs. That creates joy. This allows us to flourish.

And if we radiate happiness in life and carry it within us, then it also has a positive effect on our relationships, both privately and in the social creative process. We attract what we radiate.

People often look for the way to their happiness, to inner and outer change, to joy and clarity. It’s about finding your personal key so that the door to success, joy and ease opens.

The qualified psychologist and keynote speaker Delia Müller shows us excitingly and clearly in her lecture: “A question of wisdom” how we achieve joy in life, success and personal development.

She emphasizes each person’s very personal path to happiness and the fulfillment of being. She is an expert on change, courage and strength and reports exciting stories from her life as a rock singer, writer, manager, psychologist and lecturer. She describes how to enjoy the waves of life with joy and use the power.

In summary, joy is much more than just a fleeting feeling of happiness. It is a fundamental force that enriches our lives and promotes our development and health. By understanding the meaning of joy and integrating it into our lives, we can not only improve our personal well-being, but also create the foundation for a fulfilling and successful life.

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It is important to seize this opportunity. Joy is part of our nature.

“You can cut off all the flowers, but you can’t stop spring.” Pablo Neruda

Image source: Janiere Fernandez

Delia Müller Institute

Delia Müller Institute
Delia Müller
Zionskirchstraße 79
10119 Berlin

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