Home » Tap water polluted: effective filtering urgently needed

Tap water polluted: effective filtering urgently needed

by admin

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Contaminated tap water

Today’s tap water is heavily polluted and poses a health risk. Frequent contamination overwhelms conventional filter systems, so that effective cleaning is often not possible. Drinking water quality urgently requires improved filter technologies and comprehensive measures.

The Cologne fact checkers

Would you rather not drink tap water because it is harmful to your health? Total nonsense! Anyone can do it all their life drink tap water every day.

However, these are the facts

Important NOTE

This article was written on the basis of current studies (at the time of publication) and has been reviewed by medical professionals, but should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, so it does not replace a visit to your doctor. Therefore, always discuss any measure (whether from this or another of our articles) with your doctor first.

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Many thanks, your editors from the Center for Health

Note on health issues

This information is passed to the best of my knowledge and belief. They are intended exclusively for interested parties and for further training and should not be understood as diagnostic or therapeutic instructions. We assume no liability for damage of any kind arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information. If you suspect an illness, please consult your doctor or naturopath

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