Home » The best cheap vitamin supplements to face the summer full of energy

The best cheap vitamin supplements to face the summer full of energy

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The best cheap vitamin supplements to face the summer full of energy

Oreste Foraggi

13 hours ago –

08 April 2023, 11:22 am

There are those who sang the end of summer, but now is not the time, since the hottest season of the year is still to come.

What are the best vitamin supplements to better face this wonderful but extremely demanding season? Underestimating the importance of these products can be harmful, given that with the heat, in addition to sweat, we also lose many mineral salts. It is therefore important to integrate our diet with the correct use of specific products that offer the right amount of energy to our body.

So let’s see which ones are the best and most cheap. Small note before starting: if you think you will find energy drinks in the list, you are very wrong. These products contain a large amount of caffeine, and are therefore not recommended for the summer, especially if you have to face a busy day. In reality, these products are to be used exclusively for studying and are absolutely not recommended during physical activities.

Best Vitamin Supplements

A good vitamin supplement for l’estate it must contain a variety of vitamins and minerals essential for our body. In particular, those of group B, C, D and E must not be missing, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. These are fundamental chemical elements for the correct functioning of the nervous, muscular and immune systems. Furthermore, in addition to promoting the production of red blood cells, they help absorb calcium and iron. But what are the doses to be able to assume everyday? Of course, there is no universal rule, as this dosage also varies according to the individual’s needs. In general, however, one tablet or sachet a day is a reasonable solution. During the summer, however, we must never forget to drink a lot waterwhich helps to hydrate and eliminate excess toxins.

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Natural products are better

They continue ours guide dedicated to the best vitamin supplements focusing now on what are the favorite ingredients. First of all, let’s start from the fact that natural products are always advisable. These can have fruit extracts, algae, medicinal herbs or lactic ferments. In addition to vitamins also contain antioxidants and fibers, not to mention the massive presence of enzymes and probiotics that help purify the body and beyond. Here are some examples of natural ingredients:

  • spirulina;
  • curcuma;
  • salmon;
  • melon.

The top of the market currently, here are which ones to buy

Let’s finally get into the heart of the matter and see what the best and cheaper vitamin supplements:

  • Polase Plus: its chemical bases are potassium and magnesium and it helps fight the heaviness and tiredness typical of the warmer months. It comes in effervescent sachets to be dissolved in water, with different flavors and versions available. One sachet a day may be enough to cover the daily requirement of these minerals. The cost is €9.70 for 24 sachets;
  • Bios Line Magnesium Complete: it is based on magnesium taken from four different sources (pidolate, carbonate, citrate and marine), which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal muscle function. It is available in powder or tablet form.

    The price is €11.90 for 30 tablets;
  • Vitalmix Energy: it is composed of vitamins of group B, C and E, as well as coenzyme Q10, carnitine and taurine, which help support energy metabolism and counteract oxidative stress. It is sold in single-dose vials to be taken once a day. The price is €14.90 for 20 vials;
  • Briovitase Support: it is based on vitamins of group B and C, magnesium and Korean red ginseng which, in addition to promoting physical and mental vitality and resistance to stress, also improve mood. It comes in soluble sachets to be taken once or twice a day. The cost is €12.90 for 20 sachets;
  • Spirulina Herbs: it is based on 100% pure spirulina, a seaweed rich in protein, iron, vitamin B12 and beta-carotene. Perfect against anemia, tiredness and decreased defenses. It comes in tablets to be taken two or three times a day before meals. The cost is €9.90 for 100 tablets;
  • Carnidyn Plus: it is composed of carnitine, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C and extracts of guarana and rhodiola, which stimulate the metabolism, the production of energy and physical and mental resistance. It comes in tablets to be taken once or twice a day before meals. The price is €15.90 for 30 tablets;
  • Vitadyn Multiminerale: its elements are calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and vitamins A, C, D and E, which contribute to the maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, skin, hair and nails. It comes in tablets to be taken once a day. The cost is €10.90 for a box of 30 tablets.
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To you the choice

In short, these are the best vitamin supplements that we have chosen to better face the summer. We bet many of you didn’t know about them benefits, which, as we have seen, are extremely varied, since each product performs a particular function based on the ingredients that compose it. You just have to choose the one that best suits your needs, in order to better prepare yourself for the hot days ahead.

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