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The Continuum of Violence Against Women: A Global Public Health Crisis

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The Continuum of Violence Against Women: A Global Public Health Crisis

Gender Inequality and Violence Against Women: A Global Public Health Crisis

In today’s society, inequalities in various aspects of life can greatly impact our health and well-being. These inequities, especially when it comes to social groups, can lead to significant health disparities and inequalities. Unfortunately, being female often adds another layer of disadvantage due to the unequal access to resources and opportunities. This gender paradox is evident in the fact that women tend to live longer than men but face a worse quality of life in their later years due to higher rates of disabling health conditions and precarious mental health.

The issue of health inequalities is not solely related to biology or gender; it is also influenced by the system of relationships between men and women and the cultural contexts that perpetuate and reinforce these inequalities.

Failure to address and prevent these avoidable inequalities is a form of violence in itself. While extreme forms of physical or sexual violence against women often make headlines, it is essential to understand that violence exists on a continuum. It begins with beliefs and prejudices that blame victims themselves, perpetuated by patriarchal cultures, body shaming, and misogyny. The continuum progresses through the acceptance of derogatory terms, social exclusion, stigma, and the dehumanization of women’s bodies. Ultimately, it culminates in physical or sexual violence and even femicide.

It is crucial to recognize that all forms of violence are serious and have lasting effects. Accepting that working women are at an increased risk of heart attacks due to unequal distribution of domestic work or ignoring the physical and psychological toll of sexual violence exposes women to a range of secondary disorders, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and various physical health conditions.

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Violence against women is a global public health crisis and a violation of human rights on a massive scale. It requires a comprehensive and proactive response from political leaders, administrators, and the community as a whole. Bridging the gap in counseling services and creating safe spaces for women is essential in empowering and supporting them. We must choose to either perpetuate harmful cultural patterns or take decisive action to combat violence, just as Athena and Perseus represent in Greek mythology.

The statistics from ISTAT in 2014 highlight the prevalence of physical or sexual violence against women, with a staggering 31% of women in Italy experiencing it between the ages of 16 and 70. The perpetrators of these violent acts are often partners or former partners in 13% of cases, indicating that the issue is closer to home than we may think.

Now is the time for action, as real change comes from a shift in culture. Each one of us can contribute to this change through firm, courageous, and sometimes uncomfortable actions. It is not productive to search for excuses or theories to justify violence; it is intentional behavior aimed at inflicting harm and humiliation. We must prioritize the creation of a gentler culture based on respect, break the cycle of intergenerational violence, and address the traumas associated with it.

Violence is not confined to a particular location; it affects everyone. It is time to evict violence from our society by raising awareness and taking a stand against it.

Emanuele Caroppo, a Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst from the Mental Health Department in Rome, emphasizes the urgent need for change and the role of each individual in fostering a culture of respect and empathy.

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It is time to act, to build a future where violence is no longer tolerated, and gender inequality is eradicated.

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