Home » “The Good News” (81): The miraculous rescue of Fiona, the lonely sheep

“The Good News” (81): The miraculous rescue of Fiona, the lonely sheep

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“The Good News” (81): The miraculous rescue of Fiona, the lonely sheep

A war on the edge of Europe, the bloody Hamas attack on Israel and the retaliatory attacks, persistent inflation that is putting a strain on household budgets. Many people don’t want to get into the pre-Christmas mood. Many people ask themselves: Can we do this? They are worried about their future, about their existence.

And many of them no longer want to listen to or read the news because they are tired of the constant bad news.

But you can break out of this vicious circle of worry: If you switch off properly once a day, mentally detach yourself from everything and find inner peace.

That’s why we’re continuing our podcast “Die Gute Nach(rich)t”. We want to work with you to forget the bad things in the world for a few minutes and let go. So that you can find yourself and new courage again. Because life can be so beautiful.

Our speaker Antonia Wilhelm tells little stories of happiness. About the fact that something very beautiful happened to someone in the world this week that you can also be happy about. Sometimes someone has made a great discovery or invention, sometimes an animal has an unusual story. Sometimes we also give small tips that you can implement immediately.

This is what episode 81 is about:

“The Miraculous Rescue of Fiona, the Lonely Sheep”

In 2021, Scottish Jill Turner from the village of Brora spotted a lone sheep while kayaking at the foot of the cliffs of the Cromarty Firth. Two years later she discovered that the animal was still all alone in the area. By collecting signatures online, she called for an urgent rescue operation for the “loneliest sheep in Britain”. And it was successfully carried out on November 4, 2023. Her rescuers named the sheep “Fiona”

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You can read the story again here:

Thanks to 55,000 signatures, “Lonely Sheep” was saved

We suggest that you listen to our good news before falling asleep so that you can then relax into a restful sleep. Let them work their magic on you and let go internally: the stress of everyday life, your problems, your gloomy thoughts.

Feel free to subscribe to us , so you don’t miss any of the next podcast episodes. Because tomorrow there will be good news again in countless places around the world that is worth sharing with you.

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