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The King’s disease returns strongly: how to fight it

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The King’s disease returns strongly: how to fight it

The disease of the Kings has now become more and more common, this disease in fact not only affects the wealthiest people but is making its way among all people, especially those who continue to lead a very sedentary life.

Gout mainly affects the joints and unfortunately it does not depend only on the diet or the level of physical activity, in fact there are many non-modifiable risk factors to which particular attention must be paid.

Gout, an increasingly common disease – solofinanza.it

Gout, what it is and how it comes

Gout is a metabolic disorder that mainly causes joint pain caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals that are not regularly excreted from the body. This condition affects the big toe joints in most cases and is more common in men.

Uric acid present in high concentrations in the blood causes acute pain as it lodges in the joints and can generally result from a malfunction of the kidneys or from excessive production by the body.

Gout can be hereditary and is diagnosed by:

  • Uricaemia, which through a simple blood test determines the concentration of uric acid in the blood
  • Joint fluid analysis, performed by a doctor under local anesthesia in order to take a sample of fluid called arthrocentesis.
  • Radiology, where acid crystals and bone damage can be highlighted.
x-ray to diagnose gout
Tests to diagnose gout – pixabay

What are the symptoms and treatments

Gout causes sharp pain and swelling in the joints that last up to a few days, before spontaneously improving. After the first episodes, however, the duration and frequency of inflammation can intensify, which can affect toes, wrists, ankles, heels, knees, fingers, elbows.

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Gout can also last a long time if left untreated when symptoms appear, so much so that it can develop into tofaceous gout, where uric acid crystals are created surrounded by inflammatory and fibrous tissue.

To reduce the intensity of symptoms, you can apply ice to the affected areas and seek medication from your doctor, which can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid drugs.

To prevent the onset of gout, you can follow some simple guidelines:

  • Drink enough during the day to help the kidneys dispose of uric acid
  • Limit or avoid consumption of alcohol and sweet drinks
  • Adopt a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and limiting the intake of animal proteins
  • Maintain your body weight at your ideal weight
  • Increase daily physical activity to counteract a sedentary lifestyle

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