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The Menopause Revolution: Breaking Taboos and Embracing a New Stage of Life

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The Menopause Revolution: Breaking Taboos and Embracing a New Stage of Life

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I have lost count of the information, books, ideas, debates or reflections that have come to me about the menopause throughout this year. What used to be a word that in a conversation could even sound uncomfortable today is a recurring topic of conversation among women from a certain age: “Do you take hormone therapy?”, “Do you take pellets?,” Do you take supplements?”, “Where do you do pelvic floor physiotherapy?”… There are many decisions to be made and obviously there are many sources of business behind it, but the really important thing is that the menopause is over. it is not a stage of decline.

Out taboos about menopause

Also at TELVA we have already spoken to you many times about this change in perspective, as Beatriz Fernández, founder of The Other Beauty, told us a few months ago, “we are all going to go through this process, just as we went through that of adolescence. However , in that pre-juvenile stage it is taken for granted that you have to take care of that girl and have patience, and in that of mature age it is not. we live a second adolescence and for many years no attention has been paid to it”. Beatriz organized a few months ago a conference called Menopause Revolution where this stage was addressed in a positive and comprehensive way: from medicine, from sexuality, from psychology and from intimate and pelvic floor care. The only way to get through this stage without ‘disruptions’ that leave us out of the game, is to address all your needs in a coordinated manner.

This change has not arisen from one day to the next, it undoubtedly influences the fact that more and more people talk more freely about sexual life, pleasure and female self-pleasure, which in turn has contributed to other chapters related to the women’s universe, like sexuality, stop talking to each other by lowering your voice or as the authors of the book ‘Ladies’ say, which I’ll talk about later, that we don’t keep passing a tampon or pad between us as if it were an article in smuggling.

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Another website that we love is that of ‘Ella y el Abanico’, the most read portal on menopause, started by montse roura 13 years ago, after organizing the ‘I Salon de la Menopause’ in 2010 in Barcelona, ​​as well as 13 ‘Woman and Menopause’ forums since then. Montse began to read and investigate based on her own experience with the climacteric and the lack of information that she found at the time. Today we have improved, but it remains to be done: “They have put it into our heads that menopause is the path to old age, but this is a lie, the latest in Spain is over 52 years, we are not old, we are wise Society has changed a lot.”

|Might| How could the 52% of the population that we women in Spain be left out of the game or as ‘less valid’? On the other hand, after 50 personally, and often at work, women find themselves in a very full stage of his life. On the other hand, it is more than evident that this population group earns more and moreinterest to consumer brands. Those over 55 years of age hold 66% of net wealth in Spain (INE source) and 52% are women. The group between 55 and 64 years of age is the one with the greatest patrimony clean of charges and the one that can carry out a consumption more freely and independently. If we cross this data with the fact that we give more and more importance to our comprehensive care and well-being, it is logical to guess that it will be the group that invests the most in their health.

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In addition, we must not forget that menopause is not just a thing in the fifties of life, early menopause, after the age of 45, is becoming more frequent due to factors such as stress or pollution.

Among the books that I have consulted recently I love, from the title to the bibliography and list of resources (very useful), that of ‘Ladies’ (a comprehensive guide to menopause)’ by Ed. Práctica Arpa. It is written by Elena Astal (graduate in Pharmacy and nutritionist); Alberta Mª Fabris (gynecologist); Adriana F. Caamaño (sexologist and psychologist) and Tania R.. Manglano (physiotherapist), an author team that demonstrates by example that care for women at this stage must be comprehensive. I like the title and why: “When we think about the word ‘lady’ and how it has been used, we realize that it refers to a certain moment of being in the world. Not too young, not too much of a woman anymore” . That is what they have tried to dismantle in their experience in consultation (the four of them are part of the Empathy Center) and in this book where they show us that following some care and guidelines these ladies “also have fun, reconnect with full lives looking for pleasure; lives made to our measure, dispossessed of other people’s eyes”.

Medicine with a feminine look

Women we are 52% of the population and the vision of health continues to be masculine, both in biomedical research and in the design of protocols. Little by little this is beginning to change and there are currently many specialized women’s centers that prevent us from having to make a pilgrimage to five or six specialists when we are facing a stage that touches as many facets as menopause.

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Lifestyle Center Olympia is the new unit of the Quirón Group in the Torre Caleido in the Castellana Business Area, and one of its legs is gynecology, where all the needs of women are attended to in a single center: from gynecology in all its amplitude, to assisted reproduction, sexology, nutrition or physiotherapy. One of its managers, Dr. Antonio Gosálvez, an expert and pioneer in assisted reproduction in Spain, explains that biological age no longer goes hand in hand with emotional age. Although it is not a biological marker as such, the concept of emotional age: “We see it in 50-year-old adults who want to continue enjoying it to the full as if they were 30; and also in 30-year-olds, who know they want to be mothers but current difficulties, work or personal, make them have to adapt their project vital and decide to freeze ovules”.

The important thing is that the lifestyle that each one decides is motivated by a desire to take care of yourself and live fully, not by a social imposition. But we cannot leave it to chance, just as we do not leave our retirement, our savings or the future of our children. That’s why it’s important get ahead, train and above all take care of yourself before the most marked changes arrive. “However good or bad our menopause is will be directly related to how perimenopause has been (the previous years)”, Beatriz Fernández reminds us.

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