Home » The penis has lengthened by 3 centimeters in 30 years. Concern of andrologists

The penis has lengthened by 3 centimeters in 30 years. Concern of andrologists

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The penis has lengthened by 3 centimeters in 30 years.  Concern of andrologists

CREMONA – In the last 30 years the man’s penis has grown in length by 24%, thus lengthening by about 3 centimeters. Many men, and not only them, will certainly like it, but in reality it might not be such good news. To underline it is the Italian Society of Andrology (SIA) which from the European congress comments one Stanford University study published in The World Journal of Men’s Health. “The increase in the size of the male genitalia could be another indicator of the impact of environmental factors, such as exposure to pollutants or an increase in unhealthy lifestyles – he comments Alexander Palmieri, president of SIA and professor of Urology at the Federico II University of Naples -. These could in fact alter the functioning of the endocrine system, also structurally modifying the male reproductive system. The study therefore suggests the importance of investigating and evaluating the repercussions of environmental factors on male sexual and reproductive healthto which SIA has always devoted much attention both from an educational and scientific point of view”.

The work of the Stanford researchers is a meta-analysis of previous research all focused on penis length. In detail, the researchers analyzed data from 75 studies conducted between 1942 and 2021, involving a total of 55,761 men. In each study examined, data relating to the length of the penis in different states were collected: flaccid, elongated and erect. The researchers found that size increased throughout the study period. In particular, to be increased is the length of the penis when it is erect. In fact, if the average length of the penis “at rest” remained substantially unchanged, i.e. just over 8.5 centimeters, and remained stable even when stretched, i.e. on average 13 centimeters, fully erect penises would have lengthened, going from an average yes 12 centimeters to one of 15.24 centimeters.

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“The study does not give us any indication of the possible repercussions of this stretch on the health of the male reproductive system and further investigations and insights will be needed – explains Palmieri -. However, beyond the search results The topic of penis size is still much debated today and a constant source of anxiety and concern for men, even considered disabling. Instead, it should be reiterated – underlines the expert – that the measurements are entirely indicative because every man is different from the other, and the length of the penis is not always important for a satisfactory sex life”.

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