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The Prevalence of Atopic Dermatitis in Primary Care Consultations: Exploring Complementary Medicine Options

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The Prevalence of Atopic Dermatitis in Primary Care Consultations: Exploring Complementary Medicine Options

Between 26 and 30% of dermatological consultations attended by primary doctors are cases of atopic dermatitis.

By: Maria Camila Sanchez

March 26, 2024

In the presence of the first signs of atopic dermatitis before diagnosis, the first health professional that patients go to is the primary doctor (pediatrician, general practitioner).

“Within the reasons for consultation in medical practice, 26 to 30% of patients come to be evaluated in the dermatology area by atopic dermatitis” said Dr. Carmen Pizarro Skerret, primary doctor specializing in mental health.

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Complementary medicine for atopic dermatitis

According to the literature, this field of medical care refers to procedures that are used alongside standard treatments, without these being considered one.

“We are going to continue doing the same traditional medicine, but we are going to give this patient extra help to be able to address all the symptoms and signs because patients can have, in the long term, multiple signs and symptoms, or the condition may worsen.” could be exacerbated”.

Complementary medicine is divided into several types, such as mind-body therapies, use of natural drugs, body manipulation practices, among others.

“In natural products we also know several vitamins that will help us so that this patient can have a better quality of life, such as vitamin B, E, omegas.”

Complementary treatments (mind and body)

For this type of complementary medicine there are several modalities, such as yoga, relaxation therapy, breathing exercises, hypnotherapy, chi gong and tai chi.

On the other hand, body manipulation can range from chiropractic and therapeutic massages. “This is another modality that we can rely on to assist this patient with pain and anxiety. There are different types of massages that can be applied to children and adult patients.

Complementary medicine for atopic dermatitis

Dr. Pizarro explains that, for Chinese medicine, atopic dermatitis It is an inability of the blood to adequately nourish the skin caused, possibly, by accumulation of phlegm, congestion in the skin, heat in the blood.

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On the other hand, the acupuncture, which uses needles as thin as a hair, is a non-invasive method that helps solve any patient situation and prevents the condition from exacerbating. This, accompanied by good eating habits.

“Patients are asked to restrict their diet, not to consume cow’s milk or dairy products, peanuts and their derivatives, bananas, because all these foods cause fluids to accumulate and complicate the patients’ condition.”

In patients with atopic dermatitis the lung is also toned and any deficiency disorders that may occur in the blood are restored.”

Conventional treatment vs. alternative treatment (acupuncture)

Studies from Harvard University and the University of Munich compared the effects of antihistamines to control pruritus and acupuncture and it was seen that “there is a point, XUEHAI, on the patella in the inner area, and it is 50 times more effective than cetirizine, which is one of the antihistamines used to control itching.”

Furthermore, the specialist explained that the acupuncture reduces the activity of basophils, modulates the area of ​​the insula and putamen in the effect of pruritus, and modulates the neurotransmitters betaendorphins, ACTH and somatostatin.

“Therefore, the acupuncture It will repair many areas just by touching them.”

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