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the right training begins at the table

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The sportsman’s dietwhich is the most correct way of eating for those who do sportis an increasingly topical topic, both because the number of people who dedicate themselves tophysical activity and who, despite being simple amateurs, wish to get the most out of theirs trainingboth to avoid dietary errors and to maintain good health starting from foods that are brought to the table. Playing sports, as we know, requires more energy, but how much and how eat to have the right boost without nullifying the effects of a diet which, perhaps after a certain sacrifice, has put us back in shape?

PASSWORD: VARIETY – In principle, anyone who plays sports must
eat a little bit of everything following the correct ratio between the various nutrients:
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water and mineral salts-vitamins. Among the staple foods there are seasonal fruit and vegetables, according to the classic five daily portions indicated by nutritionists, carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, spelled and potatoes; legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils), which contain carbohydrates and are a good protein source. The noble proteins must not be missing, coming from fish, eggs and meat, better if white. Finally, Greek yogurt, milk and dairy products. And, to dress, extra virgin olive oil.

FOR EVERY SPORT ITS DIET – Not all disciplines involve the same energy expenditure: one is therefore needed
targeted diet. Who plays sports
anaerobic (e.g. bodybuilding), especially needs carbohydrates. In those who instead dedicate themselves to
aerobic and endurance sportsLike running, the muscles use mostly fat, even though a mixture richer in carbohydrates is consumed as the intensity of the work increases. For everyone it is essential
rehydrate both during training, keeping a bottle of water close at hand, and at the end of the workout with water and fresh fruit. In any case, nutritional needs are subjective: for this reason it is very important to rely on a specialist and have a personalized food plan. In principle:

– do not eat a complete meal in the two to three hours before a workout: if you train during the lunch break, it is better to have a mid-morning snack and a light lunch after the workout;

– at the end of the workout, hydrate yourself in abundance. Get used to drinking throughout the day, not just after sport;

– after the workout replenish the sugars with fruit, also centrifuged;

– if we play sports to lose weight, we calibrate our food plans in order to maintain a negative balance between calories eaten and calories burned, but without remaining too “on the stick” to avoid drops in energy during training.

TEN ALLIED FOODS FOR SPORTSPEOPLE ā€“ Finally, here is a list of ten foods that should not be missing in the diet of those who play sports.

1 – Rice: many call it the “gasoline for sportsmen” because it is an excellent source of energy, helps to detoxify the body from waste products and has anti-inflammatory properties which help strengthen the immune system.

2 –Ā Pollo: it is a white meat, rich in protein, low in fat and highly digestible. It has a significant content of vitamins and mineral salts.

3 – Zucchini: they are a vegetable rich in water and fiber, rich in potassium and magnesium, and perfect for those who want to reduce body weight. They are also versatile and lend themselves to a thousand culinary preparations.

4 eggs: they cannot be missing in the fitness diet because, thanks to the presence of amino acids, they guarantee the protein intake necessary to face the daily rhythms. Those who need to keep cholesterol under control can use egg white alone.

5 – Almonds: they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants, including vitamin E, which are useful in improving sports performance. They are perfect in the morning for breakfast and as a snack.

6 – Extra virgin olive oil: regulates blood sugar levels, making the distribution of energy more uniform throughout the day; it also helps limit muscle cramps.

7- Ā Avena: it is an important source of minerals and therefore has a positive effect on the functioning of the muscles. It also provides a good supply of vitamins that provide energy.

8 – Banana: they are rich in potassium, useful for counteracting hypertension, controlling fatigue and muscle cramps.

9 –Ā Parmigiano: it contains less fat than other cheeses and is easy to assimilate.

10 –Ā Yogurt: especially the Greek one, it is excellent to consume after training because it replenishes the mineral salts lost in physical activity.

See also  The price of food is not a sign of quality

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