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The Rise of Intermittent Fasting: Hollywood Stars and VIPs Embrace the Trend for Health and Weight Loss

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The Rise of Intermittent Fasting: Hollywood Stars and VIPs Embrace the Trend for Health and Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting: The Diet Trend Embraced by Hollywood Stars and Influencers

Rome, 11 September. (beraking latest news Health) – Intermittent fasting, the diet trend that has captured the attention of Hollywood stars, models, politicians, and entrepreneurs, is gaining popularity for its touted health benefits. Matteo Renzi, the former Italian Prime Minister, publicly praised the diet for helping him reduce his waistline, while Flavio Briatore, the Italian businessman, admitted to shedding 20 kilos thanks to intermittent fasting.

Mauro Minelli, an immunologist and professor of ‘Foundations of dietetics and nutrition’ at Lum University, explains that intermittent fasting can be a healthy way to achieve caloric restriction. “Performing a caloric restriction for certain periods also becomes healthy” with “anti-aging effects,” says Minelli in an interview with beraking latest news Salute. He emphasizes the importance of self-control and the need to avoid mistakes, as repetition and alternation are key in triggering the body’s mechanisms for fat loss and reaping benefits at an inflammatory and metabolic level.

The Mediterranean diet has long been regarded as an ideal nutritional treatment for chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, tumors, and lung diseases. In recent years, dietary patterns aimed at modulating nutrient intake based on circadian rhythms or periods of abstention from food have gained interest. These alternatives to the Mediterranean diet aim to activate metabolic pathways associated with catabolism, autophagy, and the prevention of chronic diseases.

But is intermittent fasting the right choice for many VIPs? Minelli argues that it can be beneficial for losing fat mass as it promotes a decrease in nutrient intake, reducing inflammation and stimulating processes that eliminate waste from cellular metabolism. These effects can have anti-aging benefits. Intermittent fasting involves alternating between fasting and non-fasting periods, such as the ’16/8′ scheme, which requires abstaining from food for 16 hours followed by 8 hours of permitted eating. During the fasting phase, cells deprived of nourishment use stored fat as a source of energy, aiding weight loss.

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Minelli advises that a healthy and balanced diet should be followed during non-fasting hours to ensure positive effects without negative repercussions on overall health. The selection of foods is crucial, and foods high in fat or sugar should be avoided. While fasting, non-caloric drinks like coffee, tea, and water are still permitted.

However, Minelli recommends seeking guidance from nutrition experts to ensure optimal results and avoid energy and nutrient deficiencies. The initial days of intermittent fasting may trigger hunger and irritability, but with professional assistance, these can be managed effectively.

In conclusion, intermittent fasting requires significant self-control and adherence to avoid mistakes. Repetition and alternation are vital in triggering the body’s mechanisms for fat loss and obtaining benefits for inflammation and metabolism.

As the diet trend continues to sweep across Hollywood and beyond, experts stress the importance of informed and supervised approaches to intermittent fasting for long-term success and overall well-being.

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