Home » These are the 4 foods that make the brain work better: the result is incredible

These are the 4 foods that make the brain work better: the result is incredible

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These are the 4 foods that make the brain work better: the result is incredible

With these four unexpected foods, your brain will be able to function at its maximum: the result is real, try it to believe it. Talk science!

The brain is the control center of our body, it is where all functions reside and without which we would not even exist. We are our brains, indeed. That is why keeping it always running and always young is very important for a long and healthy life. To do this, there are many simple and daily activities that everyone can do, such as continuing to study and being interested in various topics or dedicating yourself to crossword puzzles. But did you know that the food we eat also has something to do with it?

Eat these 4 foods and you will improve your brain – Grantennistoscana.it

Nutrition is the first area to change if you want to change your life for the better and did you know that it also has to do with the functioning of our brain? These four incredible foods, but that we can all have in our fridge and in our cupboards. Does eating it every day mean becoming the new Einstein? Let’s find out more.

Eat these four foods and you’ll become super brainy

There are four and they are very simple essential foods for those who want to improve brain performance. Eaten regularly and in naturally dosed quantities, they can really make our lives better. However, the advice is always to consult a professional in the sector, such as a dietician or nutritionist.

  1. Nights
    Walnuts to a brain look like us not by chance! This food is a real panacea for all its incredible natural properties. These are oilseeds rich in good fats, which should not be eliminated from any balanced and healthy diet, even the most slimming and restrictive ones. They reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and neurological diseases and significantly improve your memory. 30 grams a day in a yogurt or as a snack and you will see what results!

    Walnuts are great for the brain and its performance
    Walnuts are great for the brain and its performance – Grantennistoscana.it

  2. Berries
    In particular, blueberries are rich in precious molecules to reduce inflammation of the brain, namely anthocyanins. They allow a greater flow of blood to the brain and therefore much higher performance than those who never eat them. Also in this case you can put some in low-fat white yogurt or as a snack between meals.
    @heimi.saluteeprevenzione Don’t do it #medicinapreventiva #medico #salute #benessere #perte #greenscreen ♬ Einaudi: Experience – Ludovico Einaudi & Daniel Hope & I Virtuosi Italiani
  3. Caffeine
    This is not an invitation to drink as much coffee as possible, also because the caffeine that is really good for you is the one contained in green tea in particular. This panacea contains both caffeine and theine, both great stimulants for the brain and all its functions. If on the one hand caffeine gives energy and energy, theine relaxes you and will make you super performing but at the same time relaxed
  4. Pesce
    Only a certain type of fish, of course. We talk about small and blue fish that are contained in the acronym “crate”, to remind you of which animal you need in your balanced diet. The fish to integrate are saury, anchovies, sardines, mackerel and herring. In tartare, grilled, baked, pan-fried, in soup: there are so many ways to cook these fish that may not make you the next Einstein, but will improve the performativity of your brain.
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