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These tips will help against the insects!

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These tips will help against the insects!

They are among the beneficial insects in the garden, but are not a welcome guest on the terrace or balcony. Instead of fighting the insects, you can drive them away with a few tricks. We explain what helps against ants on the terrace.

Flying ants on the patio: how to get rid of insects

Large flying ants swarm in late spring and early summer. This is a peculiar nuptial flight in which females and males meet and mate. The future queens then lose their wings and are ready to start their own colonies. The males die shortly after mating. The good news is that the flying ants only stay on the terrace or balcony for a short time. After that they fly away. The bad news – after losing their wings, some can stay queen and start new colonies under the terrace or right in a corner of the balcony. It is essential to prevent this, because it doesn’t take long for the insects to find their way into the house. And the ants have no business there. Thankfully, there are some means you can use to keep them away.

Be sure to combat aphids on plants on the terrace

The first step in repelling ants is to keep the area as clean as possible. Because the insects are often attracted by food sources. If the flying ants found aphids on plants around and on the patio, they will be there. Aphids make honeydew, a sweet substance that ants feed on.

If you find ants on the patio, check all tub and potted plants, as well as nearby roses, strawberries, or fruit trees for signs of an infestation. If you find aphids, it is imperative that you get rid of them.

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Drive away flying ants on the patio: by smell during the day, by light in the evening

drive away or fight ants under the terrace

During the day you can chase away the flying insects from the terrace and balcony by strong smells. One smell that the insects don’t like at all is vinegar. Simply clean the railings or patio floor with a vinegar solution (if the material allows, of course). For sensitive materials, you can instead fill bowls with apple cider vinegar and place them in several places. Lavender or mint oil also have such a strong aroma that they disturb the insects’ sense of direction. Lemon peel and cloves have also proven to be effective on small areas.

In the evening, the ants can be attracted to the garden by strong light sources. A solar light in the garden is sufficient to get rid of the swarming insects.

Drive away large ants on the terrace

drive ants away on the terrace with home remedies

Large ants on the patio are mostly young queens looking for space for their new colony. It is imperative that you drive away the insects, otherwise in a few weeks they will have to fight with the whole colony.

Seal cracks and joints between the flagstones as best you can to block access under the patio.

Rinse the patio with water daily. Ants prefer a sunny, wind-protected and above all dry place. They will soon find themselves a new spot in the garden if they water the pile daily.

Get rid of ants under the patio

drive away ants on the stone terrace

If there are ants under the terrace, then they have already found their new home. In this case you can try to relocate them. For this purpose you must proceed as follows:

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1. First, if possible, water the anthill daily. If you cannot access the pile and only see the entry point, then this step can be omitted. You can then try placing bowls of scented oils like lavender or mint right next to the entrance. The goal is to signal to the insects that they didn’t build their pile in the right place.

2. They fill an empty ceramic pot with straw and wool and place it upside down right next to the entrance. Then wait about 10 days for the ants to colonize it, carefully slide a plastic lid under the pot and turn it upside down. You can then relocate the ants somewhere else in the garden or in the nearby forest.

Special case: What helps against ants on the balcony?

fighting ants in houseplants

In principle, everything that helps with an infestation on the terrace also helps on the balcony. This includes keeping the balcony floor clean, rinsing it off daily and closing any access points on the floor. You can also put bowls of essential oils or vinegar in the corners. But you can also relocate the ants.

Ants are often attracted to the plants in the pots. However, a large colony can break tubs and flower boxes, so you should check there regularly.

With sunny balconies, it can also help if you shade them. Ants like full sun, a shady place is unfavorable for them.

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