Home » Tips for Relieving Neck Tension and Improving Mobility as You Age

Tips for Relieving Neck Tension and Improving Mobility as You Age

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Tips for Relieving Neck Tension and Improving Mobility as You Age

As we age, it is common for the muscles and bones in our neck to deteriorate, leading to areas of tension that can cause pain and restrict movement. AARP recommends various methods to alleviate these pains, including over-the-counter pain relievers, heating pads, and most importantly, constant movement.

To address neck tension and prevent pain in the cervical spine, it is essential to engage in exercises that promote joint rotation and warm up the muscle tissues in the neck and shoulders. Trainer Blanca García recently shared a helpful exercise on TikTok that can effectively relax and relieve neck pain for individuals of all ages.

The exercise involves leaning against a door frame with one arm relaxed and the other arm brought back until the elbow points up and comfortably holds the frame. By gently moving the head from side to side, up and down, and in circular motions while keeping the jaw relaxed and breathing deeply, individuals can stretch the levator scapulae muscle, which is often stressed and contributes to neck pain.

Aside from aging, other common causes of neck pain highlighted by AARP include tilting the head while using electronic devices, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement, and poor posture. By addressing these factors and incorporating regular neck exercises, individuals can improve neck health and reduce discomfort.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular movement and targeted exercises can help prevent and alleviate neck pain associated with aging and other factors. By following expert recommendations and incorporating these practices into daily routines, individuals can enjoy a happier, more comfortable retirement.

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