Home » ‘Tongue scraping’ is all the rage: essential if you want to wage war against bacteria

‘Tongue scraping’ is all the rage: essential if you want to wage war against bacteria

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‘Tongue scraping’ is all the rage: essential if you want to wage war against bacteria

Do you really want to say ‘goodbye’ to bacteria? Then you absolutely must try ‘tongue scraping’: this new trend is all the rage on the web.

Bacteria are dangerous but eliminate them altogether by adopting do-it-yourself practices or relying on popular ideas without asking your doctor, could prove counterproductive.

The new practice is called tongue scraping, was spread on TikTok and it went viral in no time. Currently, in fact, there are really many people who are ‘desperate’ looking for the tool to use.

What is tongue scraping for bacteria

The famous people talked about it first, then the trend became social and then it exploded. It’s about a tongue cleaning practice, already in vogue many years ago, but quite fashionable in recent times.

All the benefits of tongue scraping (tantasalute.it)

Il tongue scraping it is done with a product that can be purchased in plastic or silicone. And it allows you to remove accumulations of bacteria from the tongue. The goal, as described, is to remove the surface patina that is generated on it, managing to obtain more satisfactory results than a simple toothbrush or mouthwash. So you have to buy the scraper and use it every morning, after brushing your teeth, flossing and finally rinsing with mouthwash.

This tongue scraping comes from Ayurveda, the Indian medicine that provides natural methods to get rid of risky elements for health. The instrument is easily found even for a few euros. There are all kinds of them, but the modern ones have a triangular shape. The idea comes from the fact that language is connected to other bodies of fundamental importance. And then clean it, it means remove bacteria e toxins which could end up in these organs and cause problems.

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Surely every part of the body is connected and it is right to understand that our mouth harbors all types of bacteria caused by what we eat, drinks and also by the objects we come into contact with every day. Use though a tool that rubs the tongue isn’t always a good idea if it is not a medical indication. While teeth cleaning takes place in a proven way on a part of the body that is resistant and can easily be rubbed, the situation is different for the tongue. The area is soft, rich in nerve endings, papillae and glands which easily risk becoming inflamed and enlarged with this continuous movement.

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