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Toothbrush; how often should it be changed? Beyond belief

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Toothbrush;  how often should it be changed?  Beyond belief

Do you know when the toothbrush needs to be changed? It is important for teeth cleaning

For the well-being and hygiene of the mouth it is very important not only to brush your teeth daily but also to replace the toothbrush often. It is a habit that few people have and today in the following article we will reveal to you when it needs to be changed. Studies have shown that otherwise, due to germs and bacteria, the risk of tooth decay and plaque can increase and consequently brushing your teeth becomes an unnecessary routine.

toothbrush here’s how to clean it (pixabay)

Toothbrush; how often should it be changed?

According to a study, experts show that you need to change your toothbrush at least every three months. Also, if the item in question looks frayed or worn, you can purchase another toothbrush even earlier.

What surely few people know is that the toothbrush must be changed even after one has been influenced. Even if you had an yessimple cold it is advisable to replace the applianceas viruses and bacteria are deposited directly on the bristles.

The best way to take care of your toothbrush is wash it thoroughly and always place it in an upright position. Finally, for disinfect it you can use both running water and hydrogen peroxide.

Three tips for interdental care

In addition to what has been said previously, to have an excellent interdental care it is also advisable to use toothbrushes without plastic, but made with sustainable material such as bamboo. In addition, also buy sustainable and organic toothpastes. No less important is the use of dental floss which, unlike the toothbrush, is able to clean all the way down to the teeth. To eliminate tartar you can use bicarbonate instead.

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the best bicarbonate for cleaning teeth (pixabay)

This powder helps prevent tartar and tooth decay. But be careful not to use it directly on the teeth, but add it to the mouthwash and then gargle. Finally, never forget to brush your teeth after each meal and before going to bed.

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