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Training in January: tests, gym and specific jobs

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Training in January: tests, gym and specific jobs

The beginning of the new year is an important crossroads for the athletic preparation of the cyclist. A new season officially begins and with it they come new goals and personal ambitions that may have to do with competition or more simply with the desire to improve.
Training in January it is not easy for everyone. The still unfavorable climate does not allow, for example, to travel long climbs if not paying duty downhill.

The first rule in this period is: don’t imitate the professionals!
Some of them, in fact, already work at high intensity while January for an average amateur who wants to get fit between March and April is an important period to train strength and consolidate aerobic capacity.

Let’s dive into the training tips of Matthias Michelusi (photo below), member of the Italian Cycling Federation’s Team Performance and athletic trainer of Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team.

The assessment test

December is generally a month dedicated to adaptation where it is still possible to combine work in the gym and your first bike rides with alternative activities (running, cross-country skiing, mountain walks, etc.).

«To train in January methodically and without leaving anything to chance – explains Michelusi – a functional evaluation test at maximal intensity is strongly recommended to identify the training threshold and rhythms. I recommend performing the VO2Max test in the laboratory to have constant and repeatable conditions over the course of the season, even if nothing prevents you from performing the so-called Critical Power tests in the field».

Training in January
Photo: Mapei Sport

There are pros and cons in each of these choices.

The environment plays in favor of the laboratory, on the other hand it must be taken into consideration that it is not always possible to pedal on one’s bicycle.

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– I field tests allow to use your own bicycle with the data that is always collected and processed by the same instrumentation (e.g. power meter) that is part of the cyclist’s equipment. The not entirely mild temperatures do not play in favor of a maximum performance.

«On this last point – continues Michelusi – I add the fact that the power value at the threshold (FTP, Functional Threshold Power) could be slightly underestimated. In addition to the environmental conditions, a physique not entirely ready to face certain intensities on the road comes into play. In addition to this, a further limit could also be represented by the mental hold».

Training in January

Also, the classic test FTP “Critical Power” lasting 20′ should be interpreted according to new perspectives.

«The protocol always remains reliable, but if we take into consideration thehyperbole which describes the relationship between expressed power and duration of physical effort (see photo below, ed) it is clear that the more points we fix on the graph, the more this curve becomes precise and reliable. Consequently, I recommend carrying out maximum tests of different durations on different days, but in any case close together. There are no reference protocols even if we always remain in the 20 minute interval”.

Possible combinations are:

– 1 (day): 10” sprint trial + 5′ trial
– 2 (day): 1′ rehearsal + 15′ rehearsal

– 1: rehearsal 3′
– 2: 14′ test

– 1: 1′ test + 5′ test
– 2: try 20′

The power curve becomes reliable and accurate when running at least three trials.
Also, these protocols are able to identify the so-called W’ (W Prime), that is, the work that an athlete is able to perform above the critical power.

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Photo: @FredrikMentzoni

Training in January: specific jobs without forgetting the gym

The increase in strength in this period of the year becomes fundamental, not only for those who love competition.
Let’s talk about one motor quality which in addition to making a cyclist more efficient, allows you to better enjoy your bike rides.
It is therefore important not to forget this training which must be calibrated on the abilities, potential and objectives of each cyclist.

«Once the test has been performed, it is possible to set the specific jobs and in particular the SFR (Climb Strength Endurance, HERE our insight) which can be performed in the first period at an average pace to continue with the intensities stimulated as early as the end of December. An example would be to run multiple sessions 3′ at 40 rpm followed by 2′ at high cadencearound 100 rpm».

Training in January

«It is also important to take care of the medium rhythm volume which should grow gradually up to a total duration of 70-80 minutes. All broken down into several repetitions to be performed alternating flat and uphill».

“Even the standing starts they play an important role. I’m talking about 10/12″ sprints that can be done with a long or short gear to try to cure maximum strength and agility respectively”.

Training in January

The lecture continues to play a major role in the first three weeks.

Michelusi’s advice is to keep two weekly sessions increasing the loads to switch from the classic 3×10 or 3×12 exercises to exercises set on 3×8, 3×6 or 3×4 schemes.
All without losing reference to the maximum load (1-RM) and perhaps the speed of movement, the cardinal principle of velocity based training.

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“Preparation starts to change towards the end of the month. Training in January means gradually increase the intensity I work by bike and consequently my advice is to keep only one session in the gym. At this point, the SFR can be performed at a higher cadence, between 60 and 70 rpm, with 3′ sessions at or beyond the threshold. Here it becomes important to increase recovery times».

Photo: @IsraelPremierTech

«No uphill progressions they are another brick that allows you to go and stimulate the metabolism. An ascent of 15′ can be tackled at an increasing pace: 7′ at medium speed, 4′ at fast pace, 3′ at threshold with possible final peaks outside the threshold. Works that can also be performed on the track or on the plain, but with a little more difficulty. It’s not necessarily about being climbers: the climb helps to cure intensity by keeping speed and cadence more constant».

Training in January

To learn more about the technique of training and the methods of developing strength on a bicycle, we recommend this book.

Objectives, types and means of training in modern cycling, by Fabrizio Tacchino, Calzetti Mariucci, 2016.

Opening photo:

Below are some useful tips if you have just started using the power meter.

Power meter: Watts, Ftp and work zones

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