Home » Treating hand arthrosis: mirror therapy, lens bath, nutrition | > – Guide

Treating hand arthrosis: mirror therapy, lens bath, nutrition | > – Guide

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Treating hand arthrosis: mirror therapy, lens bath, nutrition |  > – Guide

Status: 03/09/2023 10:24 am

With arthrosis in the hand, the joints hurt and gripping becomes difficult. The NDR Natur-Docs rely on mirror therapy, lens bath and healthy nutrition for treatment.

So that bones on movable joints do not rub painfully against each other, they are each protected by a layer of cartilage at their connection. At a In osteoarthritis, this layer of cartilage, which also acts as a shock absorber on the joints, gradually becomes thinner. Doctors only speak of arthrosis when additional damage present on the adjacent joint bones. Osteoarthritis patients often also suffer from chronic inflammation in the joints. Hands, knees and hips are according to the German Arthrosis Aid eV most commonly affected.

Symptoms and causes of osteoarthritis

A typical symptom of osteoarthritis is stiff, painful joints. Those affected often suffer from so-called start-up pain, especially after getting up. The causes of arthrosis and the associated inflammation have not yet been fully researched. However, the greatest risk factor is one long-term overload of the joints, for example due to obesity or excessive sport. An accident, congenital weakness in the joints or malpositions such as knock knees are also suspected causes.

In the later stages of arthrosis and especially with the associated inflammation, those affected are usually plagued by severe pain and their quality of life is severely impaired. However, surgery is not always necessary.

Optical illusion through mirror therapy

NDR Natur-Doc Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen uses an optical illusion of the brain to treat arthrosis in the hands.

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Patients with arthrosis in their hands sometimes can no longer do everyday things – for example holding a cup. If a sick hand keeps hurting when gripping, the brain stores this negative information. Those affected use the aching hand less in order to protect it. If only one hand is affected by arthrosis, mirror therapy can be useful. With mirror therapy, the brain is optically deceived. For this purpose, the mirror is placed in the middle of the patient’s body so that he can see his healthy hand and its reflection. By moving the healthy hand, the patient is suggested that both hands are intact. The brain should classify the sick hand as functional so that the patient can actively use it again. Mirror therapy is often used to treat chronic pain or phantom pain after amputations.

Stimulate blood circulation in the cold or warm lens bath

A cold or warm hand bath in unprocessed, raw lenses is recommended for patients with arthrosis in the hands. A box about the size of a sink is filled with lenses. Warm up the pulses in the oven or in the microwave beforehand or cool them in the fridge and then pour them into the box. Then dip your hands – depending on the patient’s preference – into the cold or warm lens bath and move your joints. To avoid burns from lenses that are too hot, first reach into them carefully. Lens baths are intended to promote blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, stimulate healing processes and reduce pain.

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Diet for arthrosis: Little meat, lots of vegetables

Being overweight for many years puts a permanent strain on the joints. Weight reduction is therefore urgently recommended for overweight arthrosis patients. Because arthrosis is often associated with chronic inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet with little meat and sugar, but lots of vegetables and fish, is advisable.

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Further information


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