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Urticaria: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Diagnosis. Everything you need to know about this rash

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Urticaria: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Diagnosis.  Everything you need to know about this rash

We often talk about urticaria, but many donā€™t know what it means and come to identify every rash on the skin with this term. Letā€™s find out what it is.

ā€œYou give me hivesā€, this is a phrase that in all likelihood each of us could have uttered at least once in reference to those situations in which a person has insistent attitudes that are difficult to bear.

In fact, it is a term that refers to a medical problem, not so rare and not necessarily worrying, but it is good to know what it consists of in order to identify it and therefore find the best remedies together with the doctor.

Fortunately, healing is not that difficult, but the causes that can cause it can be different, which is why it becomes necessary to identify them in order not to make mistakes.

Urticaria: what it is and how to recognize it

The term urticaria is to indicate a red rashwhich can lead to the onset of itching and, in some cases, even of swelling. In fact, the marks on the skin can also be raised and gradually become larger if you canā€™t stop scratching and intervene with adequate care.

It is advisable to speak to the doctor immediately in case of symptoms attributable to urticaria: how to recognize them (Tantasalute.it)

In most cases it occurs as a result of allergic reactions to drugs or foods and it is a situation that becomes more frequent especially in those who already have allergy problems. They usually stand out two different types of situations:

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chronic urticaria, it lasts a long time, sometimes even one or two years and can also be resistant to treatment;acute urticaria, it can be annoying, but usually wears off completely within a month to a month and a half.

Only rarely can more serious conditions occur, such as those in cui the tongue starts to be not only red but also to swell, making it difficult to speak and breathe, until you lose consciousness. If this happens, you need to call an ambulance quickly.

Urticaria occurs following the histamine release, a reaction that is consequent to the intake or contact with some specific substances. This leads to a dilation of blood vesselsthen to redness and swelling of the skin, which can cause itching.

Among foods which can generally cause it are nuts, eggs, chocolate, milk, molluscs and fish in general. There are several people who experience it even after taking drugs, but those most at risk are anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. There are many cases of people who are allergic to substances such as latex, pollen, insect bites and animal dandruff.

What are the best remedies for urticaria (tantasalute.it)

Sometimes hives can then be the consequence of a severe period of stressbecoming a sign of how the body struggles to bear weights and worries.

The situations in which urticaria becomes chronic should not be underestimated because it can be attributed to one autoimmune reaction of the organism, which leads the immune system to mistakenly attack the body itself. The problem can occur, for example, in people with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

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The diagnosis is obviously made by the doctor, observing the situation of the epidermis and examining themedical history of the patient. In severe cases, it may be necessary to consult a specialist dermatologist), which will decide which tests are best performed. The antihistamines they can be enough to eradicate the symptoms, if the situation persists we will opt for a cortisone drug.

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