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Vertigo, what can be the causes and what other symptoms to watch out for

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Vertigo, what can be the causes and what other symptoms to watch out for

Vertigo, what can be the causes and what other symptoms you need to pay attention to in order to better face the phenomenon and understand its causes.

Dizziness is often a symptom that we can underestimate, why? Simple: because we tend to associate them with more stressed days or particularly intense moments, but almost never with possible pathologies other than those attributable to stress. Balance disturbances, or more commonly referred to as vertigo, cause that our body perceives a state of instability, causing dizziness and in the most acute phases even fainting. Obviously we all know what weā€™re talking about when we imagine significant dizziness, especially when weā€™re walking and it suddenly comes upon us.

Precisely for this reason, especially when these ailments occur suddenly, it is necessary to deepen. Feeling dizzy from time to time is a feeling that happens to many, not to mention all. And of course the causes are different. However, when we talk about vertigo, this condition can be attributable to different aspects. For some people, having vertigo means a fleeting feeling of fainting, while for others it will be an intense spinning sensation that persists over time and will not be occasional.

Causes and symptoms of vertigo

If the symptoms are constant, it is advisable to contact a doctor. The possible underlying causes of vertigo could include systemic diseases, the intake of certain types of drugs, pathologies at the level of the auricle or the nervous system. Disorders predominantly and a little less pathologies, but this should always be checked with your doctor. Obviously running for cover means understanding the cause, otherwise the treatment may not be adequate. You should never improvise because treating yourself in do-it-yourself mode has never served anyone.

What are the most common symptoms of vertigo (tantasalute.it)

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We must distinguish vertigo as subjective or objective. In the first case, a situation of movement is perceived even if we are stationary. In the second, however, if you have the sensation of movement and that the surrounding environment is with us. Vertigo can also be peripheral ā€“ if they are caused by damage that can be located in the vestibular apparatus of the ear, affecting the sense of balance ā€“ or central ā€“ when you feel the sensation of lateral rocking.

Fracture of the skull can also cause damage to the ear, causing dizziness. Therefore, care must be taken if there have been traumas because in this case, it will be appropriate to proceed with specific diagnostic tests for be able to understand whether or not we have a head injury. Ear inflammation or infection, we are talking about labyrinthitis, is one of the most common causes of precarious balance and therefore of vertigo. Labyrinthitis is often associated with respiratory tract infection in the case of the flu or cold.

Vestibular neuritis can also be a condition of the inner ear causing inflammation of the nerve that connects the labyrinth to the brain and therefore causing dizziness. Even taking some drugs can cause dizziness such as anti-inflammatories, aminoglycosides (ie a class of antibiotics), phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, as well as diuretics.

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