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visceral fat is a real health hazard

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visceral fat is a real health hazard

Most people look in the mirror in view of the summer and would like to eliminate that unsightly fat that is deposited in the abdomen. But how to do?

Health problem
First of all it must be said that the so-called “pancetta” is not only an aesthetic problem since the fat that is deposited in the abdomen, especially in men, is very often not only subcutaneous, but is concentrated inside the abdominal cavity between the internal organs and the trunk, representing a real danger to health. This so-called “visceral” fat is extremely dangerous, so much so that it is considered one of the most important risk factors for disease and mortality from cardiovascular disease, as well as one of the main risk factors for diabetes and atherosclerosis.

The cause
What is the main cause of the increase in fat tissue in the abdominal area? In the first place, the increase in blood sugar levels, a condition which involves a secretion of a hormone, insulin, by the pancreas which favors the accumulation of adipose tissue mainly in the abdomen and visceral areas. A diet with an excess of simple sugars or the classic dissociated diet which involves eating meals based on carbohydrates only, such as only pasta for lunch and proteins in the evening, is one of the main causes of the rapid increase in blood sugar, an increase which recalls the immediate insulin response that takes sugar in access and stores it as fat predominantly in the abdominal area. Excess sugar is a typical problem of modern society, also the cause of childhood obesity and overweight, which affects over a third of Italian children and is the source of a huge increase in health care costs. To maintain good health, learning how to manage blood sugar control is essential to reduce bread, pasta, sweets, ice cream, wine and alcohol, all foods with a high glycemic index, i.e. capable of promoting insulin secretion. This does not mean that following a diet to have more defined abs does not mean having to abandon sweets forever but reduce them to a few weekly “sgarro” by inserting them in the context of a balanced diet and maintaining a correct and constant level of physical activity. In this way the fat deposited in the abdominal area can be used for energy purposes and the production of insulin will be reduced if the sugar intake is “balanced” by a protein-based dish.

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Diet advice
To keep blood sugar stable it is useful to start meals with a portion of vegetables, both cooked and raw, reducing fruit which, although containing very useful minerals and vitamins, is rich in sugars, especially if very ripe. It is important to drink plenty of water, do not overdo the consumption of legumes which contain proteins but also carbohydrates and prefer whole grains because they have a lower glycemic index and load. Not too abundant portions of cereals should always be combined with proteins of high biological value, such as those of eggs, white meats, fish or vegetable proteins. Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, must be treated in a particular way with more protein foods such as pancakes made with egg whites, Greek yoghurt, dried fruit creams such as peanuts or almonds; the addition of skimmed milk or soy milk, defatted ham or bresaola provide the right amount of protein needed especially for those who train.

The role of physical activity
What has been described makes us understand the important role of nutrition in eliminating fat deposits in the abdomen and why it is almost always not enough to act only with a valid physical exercise program to tone up the muscles and promote weight loss.

This doesn’t mean that training isn’t necessary, it’s actually very important, but it’s definitely not enough and healthy eating habits are the first real purpose for losing weight by eliminating fat. From this point of view, high-calorie foods and so-called “junk” foods that bring a lot of energy and at the same time are not satiating should be avoided: in the first place sugar, alcohol and sweets and the consumption of packaged products such as sweets, biscuits, cakes should be limited and ice creams as well as cooked fats, fried foods and highly processed industrial foods, cheeses and fatty cured meats. Furthermore, even if oil, dried fruit, fish are sources of “good” fats, they should still be limited because the calories of fats are always nine per gram regardless of whether they are good or bad for your health.

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It is therefore necessary to follow a low-calorie diet, sufficiently varied, which includes all the nutrients necessary for the body, with good quality foods, preferably fresh and without dyes and preservatives. The diet cannot miss: fruit and vegetables, wild-caught and non-farmed fish, good fats (extra virgin olive oil, dried fruit), legumes, whole grains and, for those who are not vegetarians, fresh meat from certified farms. Even water, especially in hot periods and during training, should never be forgotten by introducing about two liters a day, and at least about 1 ml for each kilocalorie ingested.

Gianfranco Beltrami

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