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Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms, causes and how to fix it

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Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms, causes and how to fix it

Vitamin D deficiency can be a problem for many people, today we will understand the methods to remedy this situation.

When vitamin D is deficient, it means that it has insufficient levels in the body. This problem, according to some studies, affects approximately one billion people in the world. In order to make a diagnosis, blood levels must be measuredonly in this way will we be able to know for sure. The deficiency of this vitamin can be a big problem, as it affects the integrity of the skeleton and therefore the health of the bones.

The main symptoms are pain in the bones and joints, weakness and fasciculation in the muscles and frequent tiredness. In addition, the bones are very fragile, they even get deformed in young subjects or break in adults. The foods that can help in this case are different. We have cod liver oil and fish oils, plus butter and milk. You can’t miss the egg yolk, porcini mushrooms and different varieties of fish.

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