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What are the best home remedies for aphids?

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What are the best home remedies for aphids?

Aphids are a common problem in German gardens, especially in summer. Usually the first to show up when the weather starts to warm up. The majority of the pests can be found as early as June and July, as the combination of warm and humid weather creates optimal living conditions for them. In this article you will find out how you can eliminate them and which home remedies are helpful against aphids!

What are aphids?

Aphids are small teardrop-shaped insects, typically 1-3mm long, characterized by two backward-pointing spines protruding from the abdomen. They suck out the plant sap, which leads to deformities and reduced plant growth. They can also transmit various viral diseases between plants and cause fungal infestation.

They also give birth in large numbers – a single female can give birth to 40-100 young during her lifetime of up to three weeks. Therefore, they can quickly form large colonies on plants. They give birth without fertilization, in a process known as virgin birth.

There are many types of aphids that can affect plants, but these tend to dominate: cucumber aphid, peach aphid, and potato aphid. Depending on the species, aphids can be yellowish, greenish, brown or black in color.

What are the best home remedies for aphids

Aphids are a common problem in German gardens in summer

Find out which home remedies are effective against aphids and how to use them correctly to save your garden from the pests!

Warning! It is not legal to use home-made “remedies” of any kind to control pests or weeds in the garden. Even if they are harmless remedies that you find in the kitchen cupboard.

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Banana peel extract is a perfect aphid killer

onion extract is a perfect home remedy for aphids. Onions can be found in every kitchen, and it is not difficult to make a broth from them. All you need are onions, water and
a big pot.

Cut the onion (max. 100 g) into pieces, add about 10 liters of water and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. After another 30 minutes, the broth is ready to use. Put it in a spray bottle and spray the affected plants several times over the course of a week.

  • Notice: The onion extract is not only effective against aphids, but is also a perfect remedy for fungal diseases of plants.

garlic extract is another equally effective home remedy to get rid of aphids. To prepare this natural solution, grind 200-300g of garlic. Add 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. Dilute the extract 1:1 with water and it’s ready to use. You can store the home solution against aphids for a maximum of 2 months. Remember to keep them in an airtight pot and place in a dark place.

  • Notice: You cannot overdose these solutions, so you can use large amounts when spraying the plants.

Solution of soft soap and water

A solution of soft soap and water helps against pests in the garden

A well-known and proven method of controlling aphids is to use a mixture of soft soap and water that is sprayed on. This homemade solution is very effective because it dries out the layer of wax that protects the aphids. As a result, the population dries up and cannot survive.

  • Here’s how to prepare it: Dissolve 50 grams of soft soap in 1 liter of warm water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray directly onto the affected area. This method works when an infestation is ongoing, but cannot be used to prevent pests.
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Other home remedies for aphids: Milk and skim milk, baking soda, cayenne pepper are among the remedies that are also said to help control garden pests. However, it is uncertain whether there is any truth to this.

Home remedies for aphids – vinegar + dish soap

Home remedies for aphids - spraying with vinegar is a popular method

Spraying with vinegar is also the most popular method of pest control. To make a vinegar solution, mix it with water in a 1:10 ratio.

  • Notice: When preparing the solution, always pour vinegar into water – not the other way around, as this can cause harmful chemical reactions.

Optionally, you can add a spoonful of soap or a few drops of dishwashing liquid. This way the solution will stick better to the plants. The soap also ensures a longer shelf life. After preparing the liquid, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the plants. Don’t just spray from the top – pay attention to the underside of the leaves, as that’s where the aphids are most likely to be.

You can find more ecological methods of controlling aphids here!

Banana peel extract is a perfect aphid killer

These tasty fruits are not only good for your health, but also useful in the fight against pests attacking your beloved plants. Fans of the zero-waste movement are sure to appreciate this simple way to combat aphids. You will need the following items: bananas (2-3 will do), water, and a mason jar.

  1. Cut the shells into smaller pieces, place them in the mason jar and fill it with water.
  2. Cover and set in a cool, dark place for about two weeks. In the meantime, you can add more banana peels from eaten fruit.
  3. When the mixture is ready, strain and mix 1:1 with water.
  4. Use the liquid to spray the lice-infested leaves. The bugs should be gone after 1-2 uses.
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Banana peel extract is a perfect aphid killer, but you can also use it as a plant fertiliser, for example for tomatoes. Actually, you can use banana peels for several purposes in the garden. You can find out what they are here!

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