Home » What foods to avoid in the summer to avoid dehydration: the list of ‘black’ foods, enemies of health

What foods to avoid in the summer to avoid dehydration: the list of ‘black’ foods, enemies of health

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What foods to avoid in the summer to avoid dehydration: the list of ‘black’ foods, enemies of health

To keep hydrated it is not enough water but also consume the right foods. Here is the list of foods to avoid dehydration.

The high summer temperatures force the body to sweat and thus lose precious mineral salts. Fortunately these can be replenished with the right amount of water. Experts speak of a liter and a half / two of water a day, even in the form of herbal teas.

Hydration it can also be favored by consuming foods that are rich in water such as fruits and vegetables, perfect to take with you even during a trip out of town or to the sea. However, there are also foods that are enemies of health and should be avoided to avoid dehydration.

Foods that promote dehydration

Dehydration is the phenomenon whereby the body loses more water than it gains. Just as there are foods that promote hydration (such as fruit and vegetables), so there are foods that are enemies of health, which encourage dehydration.

Black foods to avoid to avoid dehydration – tantasalute.it

It’s about foods that are often eaten with gusto in the summer because they are unaware of how much they can favor dehydration instead:

processed meat, i.e. cured meats such as turkey and roast beef: being very salty (because they are rich in sodium) and full of sugars and preservatives, they can force you to drink and therefore contribute to dehydration hot foods and spices: they can certainly making the dishes you prepare tastier, however, they can favor thirst and perspiration, therefore the further loss of liquids which causes dehydration. Salty snacks (chips, salted nuts and pretzels), being rich in sodium, can favor the increase of thirst and water retention, which causes water to be lost during urination sugary drinks, in addition to not satisfying the sense of thirst, promote retention because they cause increased urination alcohol (beer, wine, cocktail), to promote good hydration should be supplemented with water

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So these “black” foods lead to dehydration and, however delicious in the summer, it would be better to avoid them. It is better to prefer carrots and other vegetables, hummus and fruits (especially watermelon and melon). The elderly, on the other hand, should consume pureed and creamed vegetables. For children’s snacks, sorbets and fruit ice creams can be a good idea. Everyone is advised to drink lots of water (at least 2 liters a day), also in the form of herbal teas or unsweetened fruit juices, smoothies and milkshakes based on fruit and milk.

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