Home » What to do if a loved one has a heart attack: you can save his life

What to do if a loved one has a heart attack: you can save his life

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What to do if a loved one has a heart attack: you can save his life

Heart attack is an extremely serious and frightening medical condition that can occur at any time and at any age. Here’s how to do it.

If a loved one has a heart attack, it is essential to know how to react promptly and correctly to maximize the chances of survival and minimize damage to the heart.

Running into this complicated health problem can happen to anyone at any age, even to those who never seem to have health problems, follow a healthy lifestyle and are a sportsman. When it happens, one is dumbfounded and frightened by the event. You don’t know the procedures and you are afraid of making a mistake. Therefore, immediate intervention and, above all, it can be really fundamental.

What to do if a family member has a heart attack

Act promptly and calling 911 right away is the most important thing you can do if a loved one has a heart attack. Prompt medical treatment can save lives and reduce damage to the heart. A Tiktok video @heimi. health and prevention gives precise indications on how to behave.

Heart attack, symptoms and correct reactions – TikTok source @heimi.saluteeprevenzione

Here are which ones:

Time is of the essence when it comes to a heart attack. Call the emergency number immediately in your country will allow you to receive the right assistance as quickly as possible. In some situations, you may be able to drive the affected person to the nearest hospital, but it is advisable to request an ambulance to ensure adequate treatment during transport. Furthermore, the operators immediately provide important indications on how to act and whether or not you can give the subject an aspirin. A heart attack is frightening and painful, therefore it is important to try to stay calm and reassure your loved one. Assure him that you are doing everything you can to help him and that medical help is on the way. If the person is conscious and able to speak, help her sit in a comfortable, comfortable position. Usually, the semi-sitting position with the legs bent and the torso leaning slightly forward is best for improving blood flow to the heart.It is important to refrain from giving him food or water, as they may aggravate the situation. Wait for medical professionals to arrive to provide further guidance. If you have the appropriate skills, you can check the affected person’s pulse and breathing while you wait for help to arrive. However, if you do not feel comfortable performing these actions, it is best to wait for paramedics to arrive. If there are other people present, try to keep them calm and quiet. It helps distance bystanders from the affected person’s immediate space to give space for medical professionals defibrillator nearby and you are qualified to use it after a suitable course, use it but only if the ambulance is late in arriving. Otherwise it is best to wait for the arrival of professional medical assistance is essential to ensure an appropriate and safe response to the situation.

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