Home » Which alcohol myths are really true – and which are not

Which alcohol myths are really true – and which are not

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Which alcohol myths are really true – and which are not

Greasy food before drinking

Eat a lot of fat before drinking to stay sober longer? This can actually work.

With a good foundation before drinking, it takes longer for the alcohol to enter the blood. However, a full stomach doesn’t prevent you from fully absorbing the alcohol – it just helps you not get drunk so quickly.

If you drink through a straw, you will get drunk faster

Long drinks or cocktails are often served with a straw. But this does not change the alcohol content in the drink.

The only reason behind the accelerated effect of alcohol is the speed of drinking: with a straw you simply drink faster and then get drunk faster.

Liquor helps with digestion

A schnapps after a meal helps with digestion and relieves the feeling of fullness? That’s not entirely true. Because alcohol does not support digestion, it slows it down.

However, it is true that schnapps has a relaxing effect on the muscles and therefore also the stomach. This causes a pleasant feeling.

“Beer on wine, let that go. Wine on beer, I advise you!”

Many people follow this saying and don’t drink beer after drinking wine. But so far no one has actually been able to prove that this could be true. In the end, it’s all about the alcohol content and not the order in which you drink something.

If you drink mixed up, you get drunk quicker?

There is not a shred of truth behind this myth either. As with the saying “Beer on wine, leave it alone…” it’s not the order of the drinks that matters, but rather the quantity. So that’s also nonsense – and it doesn’t prevent the hangover the next morning.

Women get drunk faster than men

Yes, this myth is true. The female liver breaks down alcohol more slowly than the male liver. But it is also due to the fluid content in the body: in women this is lower than in men and the alcohol is distributed over less fluid.

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Therefore, for women, the blood alcohol concentration in per mille is higher for the same amount of drinks than for men.

Does alcohol really help you fall asleep?

At first, yes, because alcohol calms the nerves and makes it easier to fall asleep. But after that, things don’t look so good anymore: the body has to break down the alcohol again, so sleep is more restless and staying asleep is less likely. A nightcap therefore comes at the expense of the quality of sleep.

Alcohol warms you from the inside

When alcoholic beverages are consumed, blood vessels dilate, improving blood flow to the skin. This creates heat that is released to the outside and reduces the body temperature. Although it feels like the alcohol is warming you, the body is actually cooling down. So it’s a misconception.

Coffee lowers alcohol levels

Have a coffee after the party and get back behind the wheel? Nothing there! Whether it’s coffee or a cold shower – neither helps break down alcohol, but rather just makes us a little fresher. The body needs time to completely break down alcohol.

Alcohol evaporates completely during cooking

Alcohol is often used in cooking: white wine in risotto, red wine in goulash. But does the alcohol content actually evaporate? It is true that the alcohol evaporates because its boiling point is around 80 degrees.

However, how much alcohol actually boils away depends on the cooking time – the longer, the lower the residual alcohol content. But even after two and a half hours, there can still be alcohol in the food.

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