Home Ā» Why you should always have coconut oil in the house | how many you use

Why you should always have coconut oil in the house | how many you use

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Why you should always have coconut oil in the house |  how many you use

How coconut oil can be used, not only in the kitchen but also for other useful and important functions that bring well-being.

Coconut oil, is a valid ally for everything and is not just a useful ingredient to be used for our recipes in the kitchen. This is a type of vegetable oil, much appreciated in cooking some foods.

Coconut oil (Photo Canva ā€“ Ricettasprint.it)

But coconut oil can also find other uses in various areas that have nothing to do with what we eat. Merit of various properties with which it is endowed, such as lauric acid, which is a powerful agent against microbes and viruses.

Of course, it is a fatty acid and for this reason, if we go back to nutrition, it should be consumed in small quantities in order not to run into possible arterial problems.

But the effectiveness that coconut oil can give in other situations is nothing short of excellent, as it is also an antioxidant and suitable for uses in the medicinal field. For example, this type of oil is used in cosmetics and for relaxing massages, when it is pure.

Coconut oil, how to use it for so many benefits

Instead, the type of refined coconut oil contemplates the extraction from dried coconuts and a processing by industrial procedures. However, this causes the proteins contained within it to be dispersed, but not the fatty acids. This at least ensures that the antiviral properties remain.

Nuts and coconut oil (Photo Canva ā€“ Ricettasprint.it)

Its conservation is not suitable for low temperatures in the fridge. The properties found are also antibacterial and antifungal and this product can do a good job in treating various diseases. And in particular against:

  • candida;
  • influenza;
  • rosacea;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • keratosis;
  • acne.
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We can apply this type of oil on the body after a shower, for example, to make the skin softer. The same thing can be done for a good hair treatment, which simplifies its growth and favors its consistency and resistance. It also seems that coconut oil is an excellent anti-dandruff.

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It should be applied to the scalp and then proceed with a massage, leaving it to act for at least sixty minutes. Then this product is also excellent as an emollient and to give our body a moisturizing effect against wrinkles and aging.

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Returning to the intake in the food sector, we must not forget that it is also something high in calories. Also for this reason it is necessary to limit its intake as much as possible.

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