Home » Wine, is it good or bad? Difference between red and white linked to antioxidants, cancer risk underestimated

Wine, is it good or bad? Difference between red and white linked to antioxidants, cancer risk underestimated

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The Latins said “wine makes good blood”, referring to the alleged “therapeutic” effects of this ancient drink.

In fact, over the years there has been an increasing number of scientific evidences that have underlined the protective effects of some substances on the body.
First, resveratrol. Which, among others, reduces cellular aging. Also, the antioxidants contained within help the gene that prevents new fat cells from forming. Hence the idea that a low and moderate consumption of wine is healthy.
In reality, in recent weeks the scientific community, hand in hand with the publication of more extensive and rigorous studies, has decided to embrace a more prudent approach to wine and alcohol in general, which can be summed up with the slogan “less is better”. i.e. “less is more”.
Today, according to doctors and researchers, there is no completely safe consumption of alcohol. And therefore not even of wine. This philosophy is shared internationally, so much so that the European Union recently gave Ireland the green light to use “health alerts” on the labels of spirits, including wine. A choice, that of Dublin, which however has also been criticized by a part of the scientific community which considers it incorrect to put wine and cigarettes on the same level. «Wine and cigarettes do not damage health in the same way. It is therefore excessive to communicate the risk in the same way», is the unanimous opinion expressed by some members of the scientific board of MOHRE, the Mediterranean Observatory for Risk Reduction in Medicine. Our Ministry of Health defines precise limits on what it considers “low-risk” consumption. And these precise limits vary by gender and age. Therefore, men are advised not to exceed two glasses of wine a day; to women and, in general, to people over 65 years of age only one glass of wine a day. Under the age of 18 instead zero wine and, in general, zero alcohol. Exceeding the indicated thresholds can be dangerous on various levels and damage almost all of our organs. «In addition to the quantities consumed – reads the website of the Ministry of Health – it is important to consider the mode of consumption of wine, which contributes to raising health risks and social risks, such as drinking away from meals or drinking large quantities of alcohol excessive on a single occasion, consumption on occasions or contexts that may expose one to particular risks, such as driving or work, the ability to dispose of alcohol with respect to the gender and age of the person”.

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Neurosurgeon Giulio Maira: «In small doses it helps relationships, abuse damages the brain»

«A glass of wine has an intoxicating effect, which increases the pleasure of relationships. But at high doses it can functionally modify some neurotransmitters, interfering with memory, reasoning, learning and even the control of emotions”. This is explained by Giulio Maira, professor of Neurosurgery at Humanitas in Milan, according to whom a difference must be made between low consumption and abuse. «A glass of wine a day for women and two glasses for men – underlines Maira – can also be substantially harmless to brain health. But going beyond this limit, by abusing wine even for long periods of time, can lead to addiction and even cause irreparable damage to our brain. In short, the advice is: drink yes but with caution ».

The internist Giovanni Addolorato: «Maximum one glass for women and two for men»

«There is no organ of our digestive system that is not negatively affected by the consumption of alcohol and, therefore, also of wine». To speak is Giovanni Addolorato, director of the UOC Internal Medicine 2 and Related Alcohol Pathologies of the Agostino Gemelli Irccs University Hospital Foundation in Rome. The expert points out that there is no zero risk associated with the consumption of wine. But the level of risk is commensurate with the quantity of wine consumed, as well as with the state of health of the individual person. «An adult in good physical condition can drink moderately: for a woman, one drink and for a man, two drinks divided at meals represent a low-risk quantity for health – underlines Addolorato – But for a person with previous pathologies, the risk can be higher”.

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The cardiologist Antonio Rebuzzi: «Antioxidants in red but never overdo it»

«Red wine in modest quantities does not hurt, on the contrary there are numerous scientific works that demonstrate a beneficial effect on the body – explains Antonio Rebuzzi, professor of Cardiology at the Catholic University of Rome – In the last 20 years a series of scientific works – he adds – which have highlighted the presence in red wine of substances, such as resveratrol, which have an antioxidant effect on the organism and on the heart. For those who have had a heart attack, the ideal is a glass of red wine with meals. It should be remembered that higher doses lead to arrhythmias and an increase in calories which raise cholesterol». The same argument does not apply to white wine. «Excessive and prolonged consumption raises cholesterol levels and causes a worsening of atherosclerotic plaques», concludes Rebuzzi.

The oncologist Carlo La Vecchia: “It increases the risk of getting cancer”

“Wine, like any alcoholic beverage, is associated with the risk of developing cancer – explains Carlo La Vecchia, a researcher at the Airc Foundation and professor at the University of Milan – The less it is consumed, the lower the risk of getting cancer”. There is, therefore, no dose that can be considered safe, at least from the point of view of cancer. «Alcohol, therefore also wine, increases the risk of developing tumors of the first digestive and respiratory tract, but also tumors of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx and oesogaphus. We remind you that wine is linked to cancer of the intestine, liver and also of the breast». The researcher believes it is essential to combat the abuse. “If we were able to contain consumption, we could avoid about 85% of all alcohol-related cancers,” concludes La Vecchia.

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