Home » World Ovarian Cancer Day 2023: Hairdressers Against Cancer

World Ovarian Cancer Day 2023: Hairdressers Against Cancer

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World Ovarian Cancer Day 2023: Hairdressers Against Cancer

GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG

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Munich (ots)

  • World Ovarian Cancer Day draws attention to this life-threatening gynecological cancer every year
  • Under this year’s motto “Hairdressers against cancer – let’s talk about ovarian cancer!” World Ovarian Cancer Day is organized in cooperation with representatives from the hairdressing and styling industry
  • GSK is supporting the day of action again this year

Although the number of new cases is declining, more than 7,000 women were still diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2020[1]. This type of cancer continues to be the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in women.[1] Since ovarian cancer often remains without symptoms for a long time or is only accompanied by non-specific symptoms such as unclear abdominal pain or a feeling of fullness, in most cases the cancer is only diagnosed at an advanced stage.[2,3] In order to raise public awareness of ovarian cancer and to break the taboo on the life-threatening disease, the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation has held World Ovarian Cancer Day on May 8 every year since 2016. Campaigns and numerous events for information, participation and exchange take place around this day. One of the diverse campaigns is the big “Parade against ovarian cancer”, which the foundation is celebrating on May 7, 2023 in Berlin, accompanied by patients*, relatives, self-help groups, medical staff, interested parties and, this year, representatives from the hairdressing and styling industry.

It is very important to GSK to contribute to raising awareness about ovarian cancer. The biopharmaceutical company supports the parade of the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation and actively draws attention to the disease on its own online channels. “Precisely because there is no early detection test for ovarian cancer, knowledge transfer is so important. We are very pleased that we can support the Ovarian Cancer Foundation as a partner in setting an example for women with ovarian cancer and increasing awareness of this disease in society “, stresses Ines Eggert, Director Patient Relations at GSK.

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“Hairdressers against cancer – Let’s talk about ovarian cancer!”

World Ovarian Cancer Day always has a special motto in order to reach a broad public. This year, hairdressers are getting involved and are focusing on the topic of ovarian cancer. Background: Most women diagnosed with ovarian cancer receive chemotherapy in addition to surgery. Chemotherapy can cause debilitating side effects. “Hair loss in particular is a frequent and very stressful side effect for those affected, since hair is often seen in society as a sign of femininity, beauty and health,” explains Susanne Fechner from the German Ovarian Cancer Foundation and continues: “Advice, help as well as trust play a major role when it comes to hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy. The hairdressers play an important role.

Against this background, numerous campaigns are planned in hairdressing salons nationwide, calling for talks, enlightenment and mutual support. The participating studios, the “Salons of Hearts”, receive information material on the subject of ovarian cancer and the campaign. The colorful “Parade Against Ovarian Cancer” from the Red City Hall to the Berlin Cathedral on May 7, 2023 is just one highlight of the awareness campaign. “Those affected receive tips on how to deal with the disease, therapy and aftercare, and doctors also learn about the latest developments in research and clinical practice,” summarizes Prof. Dr. medical Jalid Sehouli, Head of the European Competence Center for Ovarian Cancer at the Berlin Charité, summarized the colorful programme.

Interested parties can find details about World Ovarian Cancer Day on the website of the Ovarian Cancer Foundation at https://stiftung-eierstockkrebs.de/welteierstockkrebstag-2023. Interested hairdressers can contact register and participate.

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On the GSK website at an exciting interview on this year’s World Ovarian Cancer Day is provided. Find out more about ovarian cancer and its treatment options www.eierstockkrebs-info.de.

About ovarian cancer

In 2020, around 7,000 women in Germany were diagnosed with ovarian cancer.[1] After uterine cancer, ovarian cancer is the second most common malignant cancer of the female genital organs in Germany.[2] Ovarian cancer occurs primarily in women over the age of 60.[3] Ovarian cancer is usually treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy.[3] In general, the earlier ovarian cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery.[3]

GSK in Oncology

GSK is focused on increasing patient survival through innovative therapies. GSK’s pipeline spans immuno-oncology, cell therapy, cancer epigenetics and synthetic lethality. The goal is to achieve a sustained flow of new treatments based on a diversified portfolio of investigational compounds, using modalities such as small molecules, antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates and cells either alone or in combination.

About GSK

GSK is a global biopharmaceutical company that brings together science, technology and talent to work together to advance disease. More information at: de.gsk.com.

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*Info: Gender-appropriate language: In principle, this text includes all genders. For better readability, however, only one gender form is used – which is at the discretion of those who wrote the text.


[1] International Agency for Research on Cancer. World Health Organization. Cancer Today. Verfügbar unter: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/online-analysis-map. Accessed on 04/25/2023

[2] Robert Koch Institute. Center for Cancer Registry Data. Cancer in Germany for 2017/2018. 13th Edition, 2021. Available at: https://www.krebsdaten.de/Krebs/DE/Content/Publikationen/Krebs_in_Deutschland/kid_2021/krebs_in_deutschland_2021.pdf?__blob=publicationFile. Accessed on 04/25/2023

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[3] Guideline program oncology (German Cancer Society, German Cancer Aid, AWMF): Patient guidelines for ovarian cancer – a guide for patients (April 2018). Available under:

NP-DE-NRP-PRSR-230001; 05/2023

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