Home » 52% of women in Colombia prefer to live in urban areas

52% of women in Colombia prefer to live in urban areas

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52% of women in Colombia prefer to live in urban areas

Contrary to what was believed, in Colombia 52% of women live in urban areas against 48% of men. This is indicated by the latest report released by DANE on sociodemographic statistics corresponding to 2021.

It highlights that 77% of the population is concentrated in urban areas and the remaining 23% in rural areas.

Both the general household survey and the quality of life survey agree that the participation of the male population in rural areas is slightly higher, with about 53%, compared to the female population, approximately 47%.

They indicate that the average age of the population in the municipal capitals is 33 years, while in rural areas it is 35 years. Likewise, the composition by five-year groups of age and sex of the population for the period 2021 is similar between the two sources of the surveys. In the first place, the decrease in births narrowed the base of the pyramid, which has an effect of population aging.

Secondly, the two sources confirm the conclusively higher participation of the population between 15 and 64 years of age, which reflects the progress of Colombia in the demographic transition process and the relevant participation of the working-age population, also known as “bonus demographic”.

Added to this process is the contribution of the immigrant population, which mostly seeks job opportunities in active ages. The group between 20 and 29 years is the most outstanding and participates to a greater extent within the immigrant population.


Thirdly, regarding the demographic transition process and the consequent aging, the exposed pyramids confirm the proportional increase of the population over 65 years of age, and within it, of those who are even over 80 years of age, an effect that the literature recognizes like aging within aging.

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On the other hand, the indicator of the masculinity relationship by age is useful for the composition by age and sex of the population.

Indeed, the biological pattern indicates that proportionally more men are born than women.

In any case, it is necessary to clarify that, although the decline in fertility is a global trend, it does not mean that the demographic transition is a homogeneous process.


In the complexity of the Colombian territory, various forms of economic, social and cultural organization coexist that are determinant in the behavior of the demographic components and, therefore, in the advance of the demographic transition, which are not possible to capture in average indicators.

In addition, it is possible to observe that the two sources confirm a strong reduction in the participation of the male population compared to the female population after 55 years of age. At this age, several factors can come together so that the masculinity index is progressively reduced until it reaches a ratio of 70 men for every 100 women among those over 80 years of age.

Empirical evidence shows that in urban areas the proportion of the female population is higher than the male population. Linked to the growth of the service sector, where female workers are predominantly located, the expectation is that the masculinity ratios will be less than 100.

Colombia concentrates its population in more than 75% in urban areas. It is not surprising that in the active age group, the indicator reveals a greater presence of women compared to that of men.

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As age advances, the morbidity and mortality profile plays a determining role as mortality rates become higher for men. The population pyramid clearly shows how “aging within aging” is carried out by women, which corresponds to increasingly reduced rates of masculinity at older ages.

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