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A confined country?

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A confined country?

Reports of towns surrounded by crime or isolated by roadblocks are becoming more frequent.

In Cauca, for example, the municipality of Argelia lives a complex situation, without the children being able to go to study and without the commerce being able to open freely, due to the clashes between Farc dissidents that are fighting for control of the illicit businesses in rural areas.

The events leave at least 1,600 people displaced and 2,000 confined.

Something similar occurs in Buenaventura, where fighting between illegals caused the exodus of hundreds of people who fled to the urban area, while an estimated 150 families from two villages are confined.

But this does not happen only in the west of the country, in the east, in the Catatumbo region, illegal armed groups patrol corregimientos and even in the capitals of some municipalities.

In Antioquia and Córdoba there are at least 15 localities confined due to the mining strike, which has blocked entrances and exits, and paralyzed all activities, including commerce, for which reason the shortage of food and basic products already affects the population.

In the midst of this panorama, the passivity of the State, which could also be called permissiveness, is surprising in not intervening with the public force to regain control and guarantee the rights of civilians, who are imprisoned in their territories.

There are many unresolved questions.

Why can’t the Police and the Army act? Why is the national government allowing criminal organizations to consolidate territorial control?

It is worrying, sad and outrageous that the only alternative for civilians is confinement or displacement, because the State left them at the mercy of the violent.

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